. I also notice that when there are white people in commercials with blacks very often the black people look good, trim, sharp, intelligent and the whites look scraggly, dorky, fat, dumpy. That seems to be the only recourse we have left. Multiracial scenes now common in TV ads . And yeah, all this emasculating of males is clearly entirely the fault of the feminist movement I detest these kind of women. Zach Van Arsdale By Fernanda Galan | November 8, 2021 | 9:30pm MST I change the tv when a commercial comes on. These companies didnt get the message, so now boycotts and canceled subscriptions are hurting their bottom lines. I understand that the oscars criteria for being nominated for best picture includes a declaration that the movie pushes equality and diversity, and is socially all inclusive. Remember back in the Obama years when no one could criticize the presidents policies or job performance without fear of being called a racist? Thank you. Over the past few months, its been out of control. You would think that there were no white couples anymore left in the country or that they were trying to make sure that every white woman television commercials is in an obvious marriage or relationship with children with a black husband in the commercial yet in real America black fathers are the smallest percentage of those at home with their children as a family unit. I am sure that for the vast majority of the UK this is not the case. I realized its because advertisers dont want to feature men but when they have to it sure as hell wont be a white guy. As a White woman, Ive never had any interest in interracial. Walking into stores and walking out with shopping carts full of merchandise and doing smashing grabs at high-end jewelry stores and theyre always talking about how everybody trash talks them and they dont get any respect and they still blame Whitey for keeping them down. Black people are seeing themselves everywhere which may strike a few of them as odd, as if white corporate America is shamelessly pandering to them but any warm fuzzies this may bring are likely negated by the fact that blacks in commercials behave just like white people. Or maybe its revenge for all that egregious mansplaining Ive heard so much about. Just an FYI. Current science says the exact opposite, and more and more people are getting on the bandwagon with low carb diets + fasting until lunch to experience weight loss and better overall health ( me, reversed diabetes and down 60 lbs so far). A bleakness akin to socialism. Nice idea, Timothy, but I doubt that would solve anything. 5% are other religions. Orthere are a lot more blacks in America than I thought. Black men in commercials are all very handsome, tall, athletic, and competent. . In a recent film about Mary, Queen of Scots, an Asian actress played the part of Bess of Hardwick, 2nd wealthiest person in England after Elizabeth I. so we dont realize how were the cattle. As to the why of it all, Im still looking for a good answer myself. I have no reason to protest but seeing it recognized and discussed just made my day! etc.not racism, but facts that prove their babble crap are myths American Marxism is a somewhat difficult read due to his command of the American English language, but Levin goes back in history and lays out the beginning foundations of every social and political upheaval we are experiencing now. Remember, brands and advertisers: its not diverse or inclusive if it doesnt include everybody. Social media cookies offer the possibility to connect you to your social networks and share content from our website through social media. Ive seen plenty of representation of women in hijab, though. The constant agitation created by brands, ad agencies and politicians and social-media crybabies and on and on and on is stressing people out, playing on anxieties, and ultimately, forming divisions among people and cracks in the culture. Black/white interracial marriages are 1%!!!!! May be should be renamed critical replacement theory. Much like in the 1980s in the early beginnings of the S&L downfall, I banked at an S&L. Between the low-IQ programs, terrible commercials, and fake corporate news, there isnt much to watch anymore on the old boob tube. You will see a lot of these cheap videos on YouTube, or like those small screen pop-up videos that plague monetized food recipe blog/channels. But what I was trying to say was that I was getting disturbed by not only the minimization of white people in advertising but also the (excuse my language) pussification of the masculine American male, but grown men and boys. I commented about this about a month ago and after I did I felt so much better. Giving in to these groups of people and cults. Firms can address these issues as the economy . The problem of over-, under-, and misrepresentation in television commercials is part of a larger culture war thats being fought on many fronts, and as with so many issues, it seems the corporations are on a different side than the people. Political leaders on both sides of the aisle continue to enrich themselves while we pay the price, war is big money and it is used as a distraction from from the things that are usually going on right under our noses. Thighlander, I think you and I have been reading similar things and doing similar research. What? It was well past time for someone to say something. People are starting to hate them. This is brand suicide. Your comment reminds me of what I used to hear some 15-20 years ago, about how damaging negative stereotypes in media can be. Havent you heard, Anonymous? We all have different backgrounds that make us who we are. So in short, replace the current population and weaken the next generation with confusion so there is nobody to fight back. It would seem that racism is alive and well, and Im not just talking among white people. But unfortunately, Big Tech doesnt want us to. 15 Ways To Make Your Ad Campaigns More Authentically Diverse - Forbes (Facebook Advertising) 10. You are born with them and cannot change them no matter if one surgically destroys what they were born with, or hormones one takes. Believe me the subliminal message especially to young people is clear. What is the Whitewashing of black people? Scratch that. I dont even knowdont they think some black people might be offended by these commercials, like theyre being white-washed, for lack of a better term? I live in Saint Louis. Im a white male in my 60s, a demographic that is completely shunned. How brands approached diversity and inclusion when creating Super Bowl Portray those stories in your marketing. What I resent is the corporations and the media with their money-motivated catering to what they decided we need and want or rather should need and want. If I were you, Id have put my name on that one because theres not a single thing in your comment that a fair and rational person could argue with. And it goes beyond just media. Currently the white race has been painted into a corner. You drive by every day and dont notice it. It really doesnt matter to me what race a person is in a commercial. I am a somewhat older fellow, and looking back, single events and changes never seemed sinister. Its the ad agencies and the companies they represent that infuriate me, not any demographic of Americans. This diversity crap has to end but it seems to be caused by companies so they promote ethnic groups in fear of retaliation that they are not representing other communities. In reality, however, Muslims account for 14.3 percent of Londons population, and black Africans 7.9 percent. Boycott products. Excerpt: Woke capitalism is corporate Americas attempt to profit off of Millennial and Gen Z activism, often passive keyboard activism . You know that scene in Sleeping Beauty where Maleficent shows the prince what she has in store for him? Never mind that I even backed up my argument with official Census numbers. NPR is now the voice of BLM,,,,and, maybe it has to happen that way the constant beating of the drum,,,,,,but, their preaching to the choir has started a boomerang effect with me, so much so, that i can no longer just turn on the radio and allow myself to be at their programming mercy.instead, i go onto the computer and select what segments i deem avoiding those issues..even then, sometimes they seem to find a way to weave it into the fabric. As forward-thinking experts in their field, the members of Forbes Communications Council know the importance of thoughtfully incorporating diversity in marketing and ad campaigns. Two and two is not adding up in their reference (life experience) but without the knowledge of the Elite Master Plan nothing is making sense to normies anymore. They now account for nearly 19 percent of the U.S. population, yet they are in nowhere near 19 percent of TV commercials. Create A Focus Group To Help You Develop Content, Want to represent a variety of groups? Thanks for sharing your comment and Im glad you liked the post. Watch any 80s teen movie and the villain is a rich blond kid while the hero is a dark haired, probably Italian from the wrong side of the tracks. Recently, the angry white critic inside me has noticed the overused casting of in-between races.where individuals are 1/4 Black, 1/4 White, 1/4 Hispanic, 1/4 mystery race. (See: Jeremys Razors.) . I was dropping something off at USPS Store the other day. Dove soap is perhaps the most prominent example, but there are others. Race as a tie breaker. The target demo is never the minority actors depicted in ads. In England now this also the norm, where the percentage of black people is less than America. How TV ads perpetuate anti-Black racism - Quartz I am a 30 year old White woman and its changed so much over the past 15 years. As I say, I do appreciate authenticity in my commercials, and I dont think Im alone. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Father Im grateful that I was dating and selecting a spouse in a time when men had enough testosterone and muscular build in them that I felt they could defend me if needed. Ive been in the brand/marketing/creative realm for over a decade and am really surprised at the overtness of this trend, while looking for photo stock. But it would be naive to think that many brands and advertisers arent also being driven by other factors, including a fear of being labeled racist and canceled. If I didnt know better, Id say it almost feels like many of these commercials were written with white people in mind, and then black actors were hired for the sake of diversity.. In this case, the (usual) bufoonery of whites, and minimization of their possibly being interesting, cool, and family centered anymore. Fathers Day is just around the corner so maybe you will see some realistic commercials this year but I doubt it. All it is is black people getting into positions of power and choosing their own just like the racist people do (yes, there are racists in every community). SO GROSS!! Just curious; has anyone actually done the math? Cameron Conaway, Solace, 6. Well, the fair-minded ones do, anyway. But when we all are forced to see people of every race, sex, and culture as equal (meaning the same), then we rob everyone of the traits and characteristics that make each of us stand out as unique and special. In Europe they didnt have a problem with a blonde male lead who was strong-looking. I gave been living in Latin America, Costa Rica, for the last 13 years. Hey, dont get me wrong. Actually, I was being a bit sarcastic. . The remote works for us all no matter what race creed or color we are. Now that weve created the world its time for those who sat back and enjoyed the fruits of our labor to take over and disappear us! Hey, Im all for fairness and equity, but youre right this is out of control. Its so stupid. Exactly, Dave. Representation in advertising had already started to become untethered from reality prior to August 2014, when the Ferguson, Missouri riots erupted following the fatal shooting of Michael Brown by officer Darren Wilson. Though we havent seen much of this in the casting of the shows we watch, mostly because they are older shows, we do see this massively disproportionate diversity in commercials. I send emails every day to advertisers and tell them congratulations for being BLM loving SHEEP and just like all the other advertisers riding the black bandwagon just so they can be PC and shame on themselves for going out of the way to make white people look as stupid and frumpy as possible in comparison to the black actors! Ever see a hiking ad with people of color (POC) that look completely out of place? My local library showcases certain kids books on the top of their bookshelves, and all of the books now are always ones with illustrations of non-white kids. And no wonder. And I certainly find it curious how everything has exploded all at once. Thank God for the mute button. November 2021. This cheap advertising is called Video Ad Creative. Turns out, its true. Like with so many things in life the pendulem has over swung in an effort to correct an issue. If the advertisers followed the US population demographics itd be one thing. Speaking on the subject of underrepresentation of Latinos in advertising, heres what makes it even worse. I download free movie torrents, many 50s to 70s westerns. Kobi Ben-Meir, Yalber, Hire more heads of creative agencies and roles. However, our economy is run on the almighty dollar so I put my wallet behind the advertisers and products that cater and interest me. Where are the Hispanics? When an ad appears to be pushing an agenda harder than it works to sell a product or service, then its no longer advertising its propaganda. Thx again for bringing me back to the reality of the situation. Men, know that most women do not like this, especially Christian women. Omgggggg now the woke tards are picking on the NHL? Its my belief that all these things are doing harm and serious damage and just pissing people off even more. Dr E Michael Jones has written extensively about this group of people in his book The Jewish revolutionary spirit. Spot on Dave as a former MarComm professional I feel as you do. Thank God there is a voice of reason on the net. I make sure to buy their product. You are far from alone, Bob. Messed around with Boolean operators for awhile, but Google had zero wisdom. I will never vote dem again. Mainly in the USA is Black pushed so hard. And I see it clear as day and constantly find myself defending straight White men. The Time for Diversity in Advertising Is Now | Entrepreneur Of course I think women should be paid and treated equally with men for their work, but these equal rights in the work place are not what the feminists cause is really all about. How dumb do they think the 70% of us are that make up America? And based themselves within Columbia University in NY. But true. Thank you! You shouldnt be.). not only for blonde, fair-skinned males, but females with the Marcia Brady look that blonde(ish), blue eyed irish type of face. Does it matter to them? Which I guess should come as no surprise, as insulting peoples intelligence seems to be about all most advertisers are good for anymore. You are so right! how wonderful, right? I just went to the Library of Congress to maybe read some online books..one of the sections had 3 pictures that came up one after another pictures of mostly kids, reading, etc.all 3 had a total of 15 people all black, POC except one white male. sorry that seeing non-whites on your tv makes you angry, Hitler. I usually watch Restaurant Impossible on Thursdays, but now after seeing coming attractions from the last two weeks, and coming attractions of him helping only all black restaurant owners, I will stop watching until he puts white people back on his show. What people have a problem with is all the pandering thats taking place in the name of diversity. Except now, it appears to have gone beyond mere pandering. I think the word to go warpspeed on this issue was given about five years ago, with a major increase 28 months ago. Fortunately, the topic had been on my list for a while and I swear it was you (or perhaps another Cranky reader) who was brave enough to broach the subject in one of the comments sections. These cookies are required for basic site functionality and are therefore always enabled. Hispanics and Latinos are seeing themselves represented very little in advertising, which probably has them feeling pretty slighted given that they account for nearly 20 percent of the population and their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. Absent, but it didnt stop me from achievement. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncle (no picture! Which speaks directly to your point about this country and society being dramatically different than they were 60 years ago. Its fine to be neutral. History shows that the Frankfurt School started all of this cultural Marxism by taking over academia, media and entertainment. Thank goodness somebody voiced what I have been thinking for days. Absolutely no hint of animosity between their privileged children (dressed so nicely) and the parents. It is indeed hard to explain, but I think a fair few comments on this page get pretty close to the agendas and forces at work. r/unpopularopinion on Reddit: Forced diversity is stupid. Exactly everything Ive been thinking and seeing too. I guess if you have to have a man in the ad, God forbid he be white. When will America get the spine back and start saying no to these people????? They are force-feeding something that is unnatural. this is NOT saying people of color are not smart, nor is it saying they are not nice people, intelligent, funny, and personable! If you want to know the truth about how the vast majority of blacks socially interact simply watch 5-10 episodes of The First 48. Thank you for writing this article! Yes, yes. (Am I allowed to notice this or will I be labeled as racist?). While interracial marriages are certainly more common now than they were in the past, I see very few black-white couples in the real world. Neutral is burying your head in the sand. Thank God I tape everything so I can fast forward so I dont have to watch this crap. Reflect the realness of your customers in every ad and diversity will naturally follow. Liberals. Its a problem for sure. The moment I see one, I immediately switch to a different channel. Its amazing how overnight white people became complete buffoons and black people became highly intelligent with all the answers to everything in life. Rob, you have started a firestorm with this subject. ANA. NFL merchandise commercials show virtually no whites in their merchandise ads, yet TV live shots of stadium crowds are almost entirely white audiences. Because 75% of black women are on welfare with a bunch of kids and no father in the house. Youre right, Ace the majority of brands are so aggravating and obnoxious that a lot of us are cutting the cord. . It wasnt long after that that the cultural thrust of their products became urban and there wasnt much whiteness left to them, so this has been going on for nearly 30 years now. Its ridiculous. Well, the first thing I saw upon booting up the game was a billboard that had been created by another player which read: TRANS RIGHTS. This, in a kids game. Its all so insincere. Thanks again! You are totally right and Im in the UK. I hate to say, but I think it truly fuels the fire for even more racism. They have the executives believing unless you show 70%+ minorities you are racist. She told him, Sir, Ben Franklin Savings has assets of over 6 billion dollars. Further, there has been an increase in the ethnic diversity of the marketing teams of ANA member companies the most significant growth of ethnic diversity in the five-year history of this report! If so, then by golly, you should care. Highly insulting. Powers that be in Hollywood and on Madison Avenue want women to stop breeding with white men. Do you actually expect TV commercials to accurately represent life? For some, it is a crutch. some stick and become part of the public consciousness. Always appreciate your thoughtful comments. Its so insulting to reality. Everything is going crazy, and much like in astrophysics, whenever you think you have everything figured out, 50 new questions come up. Even more than Limu Emu and Doug do. If the general public only knew how creepy, manipulative, and destructive he is . Is it just me, or is the world falling apart? TV is unwatchable now, its vile. It panders to the woke, makes us fear to mention Christmas, any American things, or anything a white person would like. Thats the crux of it, isnt it, Vi? People of color in commercials usually do not get my attention and I do not buy their products. Its safe, but it will take you away from this site to show you the video on YouTube. . (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); I prefer the authenticity of brands like Sprite and Cheerios that frequently target the black demographic specifically because they already have an affinity with this audience or they want to make inroads with these consumers. You should have a problem. Forced Diversity: Is It Really a Problem? - Exploring your mind T his report from ANA and ANA's Alliance for Inclusive and Multicultural Marketing (AIMM), based on three separate studies among ANA members, concludes that finally, there has been progress in increasing ethnic diversity in the advertising/marketing industry. Anyway, overseas you see more representation of the other interracial mixes. What she/he is doing to womens college swimming is a travesty!! The reason they look so out of place is not because POC dont enjoy a good hike. The latest example that has gotten under my skin is the coverage of the US Open tennis tournament. And their purchasing power is growing 70 percent faster than that of non-Latinos. https://fox59.com/business/press-releases/ein-presswire/606081233/extreme-reach-study-finds-increase-in-percent-of-white-people-seen-and-male-voices-heard-in-video-ad-creative-in-2022/. Im all for diversity but like the author points out, the numbers dont reflect reality. The ANA asks you to accept cookies for performance, social media and advertising purposes. All the rights and benefits one could have living in an urban area ARE afforded to all. I just got a lifetime ban from Twitter for talking about how blacks are having everything handed to them and taking over and I think Im at about 7 30-day bans on Facebook. And I believe most people feel the same. Yes, sir. but theirs are not witty, not cute, w./ nothing endearing. Being Enterprising and working to create as much legitimate value as possible for self-sufficiency and to benefit as many others as possible. Thanks for doing the legwork so we dont have to, Wypipo. Most every person shown now has black or brown skin. Again, youre not racist just observant. The best ads Ive seen in the past few months have been Arbys, Chick Fil-A, and ServPro, each of which focuses on either the product or service being offered and do not appear to be pushing nonsense. They see friends and relatives dropping dead from the Jonestown jab and wonder why. Maybe thats the case with Gain laundry detergent? but lets remember its not all of they. If you are paying attention, you will see that there is a growing faction of people, both white and nonwhite, who are actively cheering on the ethnic and cultural erasure of white people. Yes, everything has to have an urban feel to it now, as if that is something to aspire to. Id like to add some thoughts to some specific points Advertising Agencies are still mostly filled with college-degreed White males, and although this is changing they still have ideologies motivated toward the Left. It can create feelings of resentment among otherwise fair and good people such as yourself, which I assume is exactly the opposite of what these brands and advertisers are meaning to do. Thats perfectly normal! There is so much going on that really is inter-related. Im tired of woke, condescending BS. Motivational Values can be described and measured as positive or negative as at least five internalized values. I just happen to have two 36 axe handles right here by my desk. Just last week, I tried playing the demo for a long-awaited Nintendo video game called Splatoon, which sees cute little squid characters shooting brightly colored ink at each other in a battle to paint the most territory. Same with EastwoodDirty Harry throws away his badge at the end of the movieand in other Eastwood filmstheres usually a negative compromise.
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