Another stage(d) act, Prelude to a Beard? Etc. buffyandhenrietta liked this. Of course Purv ignored that Hannah was with Lyne Renee, who was there to promote her show 'Motherland'. We are a single-malt tasting group of long-standing, so it is quite likely that we are a bit biased in our preferences, but even newbies in our group thought it to be overly sweet, and the bottle is beautiful but it looks like a perfume bottle. OK, Purv, you keep on indulging your penis fantasies.). There's the openly gay; the gay and everybody knows it but nobody talks about it; the married, closeted gay who doesn't talk about it; and the screaming Ill sue you if you say I'm gay person. If this is what hes like when hes himself, Im all in. Sam Heughan just Sam Heughan and Purv believes Hannah is yearning for The Magical Golden Dirk, whose power is irresistible. Sam's styling and general demeanor on Fallon suffered greatly in comparison to those of Michael B. Jordan (who was on immediately before him).Jordan was well-dressed, relaxed, funny, and even exchanged gifts with Jimmy. Heughan has advertised on his IG stories that he's going to the British Luxury Awards in London 18 Nov. Dunhill is up for an award, so more shilling coming up - gotta maintain that brand! A straight white woman who uses a blonde female emoji, who saw Sam in a gay movie and a gay play in London. I'm all for people doing well in their business ventures, good luck to them, but he really does seem to be veering a bit to kitsch. It started out in 1978 when they wouldn't allow a protest march so a mardi gras was held instead - couldn't legally be banned. R69 Nah, "Sam fraus" are still here in the form of trolls like ConTROLLing Troll and SpazPurvMuso Troll, homophobic haters who slobber all over a guy who regularly drain$ and shills products like booze to his middle-aged female fanbase. If Im not familiar with someones WP handle, I dont grant access. [R128] I see what you mean. He needs great work from his agent right now. This thread is run by the Welp Troll, f and f. I don't come to this thread bc I'm a Sam fan, I come to attack the Sam fraus for being homophobic. Not surprised about the drugs and I don't know if it was only ibuprofen at the critic awards either. And further BTW, if OP doesn't set up a new linked thread, we might have to just set up a new Part 6 ourselves, even if we can't work out how to link it, as we are getting so close to the 600 apparent cutoff- I just don't know how to set it up. R423 yes I saw he liked it, maybe he will come out again when he's 57 too, R424 Heughan and Georgia were at the same place with thousands of others, must mean he's dating all the other women there too of course. As soon as SH shows TMGD, there'll be freeze frames, screen caps, wall posters, 3D modelling and plaster casting so the OL obsessives can rub it like some old-time holy relic, battery operated replicas even - hey, maybe another thing for SH to market. I don't know that he doesn't give a fuck..he might just call him of send him a (personal) message. Tumblr has since contacted me. "Trashy, B-Movie", gay actor Sam heughan is not even mentioned in the most of the reviews. Monty really needs to be sacked - what's with the unmatching coat and pants? Its definitely possible unless all of Ss extended travel partners are just bros. Whatever you say. I suspect that his perfection is intended to be a one of a kind and that the celestial-powers-that-be threw away the mold after he was created!' Seriously, your mind is fucked up. What are you doing, JA??? Appears to be the direction he wants to follow. r195 Neither can I. I was just a reader at the time. Cheers. Do you frantically look under her bed, close the door and scramble to read every juicy page? It's Hannah James, folks. r183 Well, Heughan is certainly again pulling out the stops to get next Bond attention - indulging in banter with Mr I'm Still Relevant Shatner on twitter about who would be Bond Girl, retweeting articles to encourage squeals of support from his worshippers etc. They'll be pushing for her to get another GG award (the last two of which were completely undeserved). R353 I wonder if JA herself put him up to that video, it wouldn't surprise me at all. Sam and Luke arriving at Japan, March 2016. Hello and thank you for registering. Heughan wants viewers to expect lots of drama in Season 5? Objectification. Ive reported the account and shared the screenshots. Does this indicate general agreement with my posts ?. Im no genius, but heres where my mind goes: I called out someone on my private blog who I think is a Tumblr phony, and I said I thought they were Paul Camuso. With the cover of the showmance gone and the 'player' parade of hinted new 'gfs' looking pretty clumsy, the straight selling has gone a bit rudderless. I honestly also sometimes thinks he hates the crazies in the fandom and that he therefore doesn't feel bad about taking their money. In this deadsville fandom, you would think if someone was going to break into my blog who wasnt welcome, the first thing theyd gobble up was tea about Sam and Cait, amirite? She totally reads you lolHey Cait! Sam Heughan can basically do everything. All the gay roles on you tube under his name are gone.. except one.. - beware of spluttering your coffee or beverage of choice over the keyboard when you read the last sentence or so of this post. But with no major starring roles in the offering he decides to go it alone and produce and star in his own plays and films.Would not surprise me if he mounts a production of 'The Scottish Play' , directed by Graham Mactavish, with Heughan as Macbeth. r 269 FF stands for Flames and Freaks. (video down the bottom - just keep scrolling- he looked a little uncomfortable with anything other than when he was shilling his whisky). Note words getting ready to play. Of love, heartbreak, tragic, funny, about the fandom but almost always revolving around Outlander, its characters and our favorite couple. Is anyone buying this crap? The sooner OL ends the better, but then he has to have customers for his 'Sassenach' whisky, MPC and the rightly named cons, I guess, so on with the hetero show. This story is so much second hand embarrassment and is just an unbelievably bad timing and storytelling. Everything is contrived in this fame and fortune chase. You had to find out about the PI report. ". It was another Nureyev defection of sorts! Scott was ranked at No. The article. It was every single woman who trusted me to keep her words safe. and its creepy af. But he may now have to be a little more constrained in his PR selling of his hotness if he is not to attract some claims of hypocrisy (and even the smallest criticism seems to bruise his delicate ego). I love their love! I read in one of the comments on his IG that a shipper(who was in tears smh) had read on a fanblog that he is supposedly together with another male actor. Pity. Yeh, some of the poses have been pretty vomitous - carrying a fan on his back, crotch to crotch posing etc and apparently one that has been dubbed 'the serial killer one' (not seen as thankfully it seems to have been blocked on tumblr). Thanx. r344 He was sick and a lot of the irritation could have been the meds but he could also be really fed up that the ship, despite his determined efforts, has finally sunk, although some diehards will continue to see a few bubbles from the deep, and insist that it's still all real, they are married and they have kids. [R517] Always assumed that when Outlander was a 'runaway ' success the producers /Starz directed Heughan and Balfe to 'slobber ' over each other to keep interest alive with the fans. ah, the hubris of celebrities who believe their own publicity ! Fourth bit: This year also saw setting up of non-OL roles that will come to fruition next year Bloodshot, SAS Red Notice and playing Paul Newman in an as yet untitled (?) and she wouldn't want to risk finding out that the Magical Golden Dirk might not be so magical after all. But I gotta give Sam mad props for FINALLY melting the Nordic Ice Queen just a wee bit she used to ignore him. I've been following Duncan's career since seeing him in Vikings. Exactly. Outlander's season six finale just left us with one hell of a cliffhanger. for your pointless bitchery needs. Just an advocate for? But the die-hards persist - 'I will never believe it !!!' But the stalking thing is the real concern. If it doesnt stop, Ill go further. Carry on. Trying way too hard. While most of his ardent worshippers would never accept even the most remote possibility that Heughan is gay, the number of posters questioning the narrative has been growing, very slowly but still growing. POSTER 2: scared much? Sam Heughan IS Paul Newman? - the DataLounge [R385] What next ? R347 I sometimes wonder how Purv/Camuso get paid for all their crap. And despite his pretence, he really wasn't comfortable working to identify with the super stud jock group, but he was trying (far too hard) to hide. Which leads me to speculate he might still be in a serious relationship from before he was famous, someone he was settled with who would understand and be prepared to wait i.e. The Outlander actor, who has been playing Jamie Fraser on the hit show since 2013, posted . [147] Thanks for the welcome and your reply. Sam Heughan". A couple of commenters didn't like it - surprise, surprise. a mix of both? DLC is also still posting from LA. Heughan no longer looks like that photo shoot.." A Wee Dram Of Whisky " contains quite a lot of calories. Leading to Purv comment on Sam and Sophie NOT dating because that would make him a pervert. You supposedly like the idea of space travel so why not teleport to our Mardi Gras parade tonight - almost 200 floats (including floats of police, military, emergency services - all in uniform), 12,000 in the parade. That would be ' hiding in plain sight' ! He could not just seat back in his chair and answering the questions relaxed. He's not only working out at EDA in the past year he has posted pics of another gym in Glasgow. In the meanwhile Cree says he'd dreamt of this. r181 Probably did it himself. JA was with him at the Bloodshot premiere, she still keeps a close eye on him(god knows why???). Wouldnt JA want something a little classier for such a major star? Seen it happen before.unknown, small parts TV actor, is an overnight success in a popular , soap opera type , American TV streaming channel. Trying to look young, cool. Will his fans be able to afford to buy all this stuff.. Forgot to add Louboutin shoes to my list of all the products he's been shilling. I am still not sure S 6 will happen. Who will Purv be promoting next week? Anyway what a wannebe app , imagine having to date a "normal" person smh. One of a kind. The longer he's not shooting for Outlander the bette he starts to look. However I shall be delighted to be proved wrong. He can't bank on OL in the longer term, so even more impetus to fleece worshippers and keep the closet door shut. He did injure himself once, but he was determined to do it, "probably due to pride." And for the record . Do you hear that?? However if he stays quiet people comment he must have something to hide.. He knows his target fangirl market, particularly in the US. How anyone can have any doubts about his sexuality after watching his latest interviews beats me.He looks to have had extensive Botox and to be wearing feminine , luminous , foundation makeup and some kind of lip tint if not actual lipstick.. [ I know some make up has to be worn on TV ] He certainly does look more androgynous than ever,. As to the "Paul Newman movie," that's the sort of prestige project that may not rely too much on someone with a two-day part showing up on the red carpet with the bimbo-beard du jour for its publicity. Give him a chance. The troll wouldn't be trying to derail these threads and Heughan's PR agent would be delighted that her client in the entertainment industry was getting buzz. r533 Yeh, a useful step up. Personally I don't think there is ever a legetimate reason to do so. Maybe SH doesn't really care knowing that the cultists will worship him anyway, but not sure that aging pussy hound is the image JA was going after. But thank you for the compliment". "I think it's more about the characters you tell. It's disgusting. Cree has been at it again, nominating Heughan for The Uranus Award after he won the Saturn Award for best actor in a tv series. R336 I'm sure she'll confirmation from her "source" in the industry. One of a kind. Not everyone is worth the engagement. [R339] You need a strong stomach to follow Heughans career ! My point is the talk you see going around is nothing compared to what folks say and admit privately." Looks like his Burns Night gig was a big win last night. Why wasn't he carrying a bottle of Sassenach whisky ? Purv was adamant that if SH was gay, the director would have told her source and the source would have told Purv. As for a 'screencap', wth is that? [R227] Heughan wants as many fans as he can attract to feed his commercial ambitions. It would be astonishing if he were not objectified after all that posturing . He was always ambitious and still is. The actors star in Outlander, one of the most . R184 I so hate Shatner's involvement, like why??? The hypocrisy, then, is straight people dreaming up storylines which position gay people as the primary espousers of the homophobia that they (as a demographic) created, spread and continue to maintain. But today's news is CONFIRMATION that indeed, the public will see Sam in that role. r518 Not sure if he was there - no reason to be, but then there was no reason for the ridiculous Camuso to be either, and he was. I hope he will find his inner strength and power again. I've Googled but can't find information, is his part in Bloodshot a major character in lots of scenes through out the film or a slightly larger than cameo role but someone who might get killed off half way through etc ?