His second skill grants him and all Sinister Six allies Offense Up and infuses him with 1 ability energy. If Moondragon is charged and there is more than 1 non-summoned enemy, instead of attacking she Mind Controls 1 random non-summoned target to attack the primary target. Operative but for Blitz and Arena S.H.I.E.L.D. Ronan the Accuser is a Kree Controller who blocks the abilities of his enemies and heals his Kree allies. With 2 of his skills, Agent Coulson attacks all enemies, therefore, he should be equipped with the Raider ISO-8 class in order to place Vulnerability on multiple opponents. While in the Alliance War, Graviton changes the Speed Bar of the fastest enemy by up to -25% at the start of each turn and when an enemys health drops below 75% he places Disrupted status. Villain, Cosmic, Bio, Protector, Kree, Minion. The defensive phase for Alliance Wars allows players to set a defense for the specific zones shown below and attempt to make things difficult for their opponent to score points for their Alliance on offense. Assault he has 50% critical chance and his every critical attack is slowing the enemy (that also applies to his retaliation strikes). Misty Knights ultimate clears all positive effects on the primary target before causing up to 500% damage and applying Ability Block and Disrupt. Obviously, a lot of other synergy teams appeared in the meantime but this team remained one of the most powerful teams in the game especially after the introduction of Agent Coulson. Drax is a very useful tank who can be used in all segments of the game and I recommend him to all players because he is worth every resource invested in him. Sifs ultimate inflicts medium damage to the primary target and bounces to up to 5 other targets inflicting slightly less damage. Loki ultimate summons 2 mirror images of Loki at 300% of his base damage and provides Loki with Stealth and Evade. Her every attack is literally devastating which combined with the fact that she is Protector makes her insanely versatile and dangerous. Agent Coulson is an agent of S.H.I.E.L.D. Her passive ability increases X-Men Max Health and Damage to up to 30%, places Taunt to Phoenix when an ally gain Taunt, and grants her reborn into Dark Phoenix when she dies. If his allies are Guardians they receive Defense Up, Speed Up, Offense Up, and Counter upon Groots death. Additionally, Polaris places Barrier on the most injured non-summoned ally equal to 10% of her Max Health. Extra Focus to Sharon against the primary target but the Chain is broken if the target has Counterstrike. She is basically single-target damage even though she attacks adjacent targets with 2 of her abilities. Even Skirmisher Class can be used if you wanna exploit his assist to remove buffs from enemies. Magneto is a master of magnetic fields who can shift enemy positions and empower his Brotherhood allies. Normally, Ebony Maw can use both of these skills only once per battle but since Tanos will give him energy with every kill, he will have those two most important skills ready for use at any time. His special skill initially clears all positive effects from the target after which it causes up to 300% damage and applies Slow, Defense Down, and Offense Down for up to 2 turns. Pyro is a hotheaded fire-starter who excels at burning enemies in an area to inflict damage over time. MARVEL Strike Force | Tier List, Top Teams | UPDATED by pros - BMG Upon activating second ability Rhino is granted Taunt for 1 turn. Breaking down all the new characters and reworks for MSF Patch 4.2. However, as soon as she became available for unlocking you should start farming her immediately. Her special skill grants her Charge (first clear Charge if she is already Charged), places Barrier equal to up 20% of her Max Health, clear all negative effects for her and allies, places Immunity to her and all Mutant Villain allies and applies Slow to all enemies (on max Level). Also at the start of each turn if Stryfe has Taunt on himself he receives 1 Deflect up to a maximum of 3. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the single target and clears up to 3 positive effects from that target. It also clears all Deathproofs on all enemy summons causing up to 500% damage instead. Quake was the best Controller in the game at the beginning but that was changed very fast. Stryfe uses his mutant powers and cunning to grant himself powerful defensive effects. Since Cull Obsidian retaliates whenever someone attacks a Black Order ally it would be the best that he is equipped with Skirmisher ISO-8 class which would allow him to place Vulnerability on the entire enemy team very fast and to clear positive effect if the target has already been affected with Vulnerability. Groot is a resilient healer who defends allies and has a chance to revive. She is specialized in defending the Helicarrier. He also has a decent block chance. agents. It would be logical that he is given Raider class since he always strikes more than 1 target but his physical damage is so low that it is literally the same if he has 100% Critical Chance or 0%. You can get Hand Sorceress at the beginning of the game as you start Villain campaign missions. Vision is a synthetic being that avoids enemy attacks and disables his foes. Mercenary Riot Guard can be summoned by Kingpin. His second skill hits primary target and chains to up to 4 additional targets for medium Piercing damage. He can also be obtained from Mega Orbs and Premium Orbs. The second skill applies Taunt on Stryfe with 3 Deflects and Barrier equal to 15% of his Max Health. Crossbones is obtainable at the game start for free. Doctor Octopus is a Sinister Six Support who leads his Sinister Six allies and summons the ones who are missing at the moment. This team will not change the balance of the Arena but they will grant certain victory in Alliance War and Blitz. Moon Knights ultimate strikes all enemies causing up to 350%-500% damage and applies Heal Block. His second skill delivers heavy damage to the primary target and has a chance to grant assistance from the ally. It Is still early but according to the skill descriptions only Black Order, Astonishing X-Men, and Symbiots have the advantage against the X-Factor team but even against them X-Factor can hope to prevail. Okoyes ultimate grants her Offense Up before performing a full piercing attack to the single target for a high amount of damage that delays the enemys turn. Captain America and Thor are given to new players for free early in the game, and they form a great team foundation that can help players in the Hero Campaign, arena, and early raids. His first skill inflicts medium damage and provides the Kingpin with a chance to gain assistance from others. His special ability steals up to 30% of the single enemys Health and grants Yellowjacket Evade and Regeneration. He should be equipped with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class depending on X-Men or Brawler team class deployment. At the first glance, it is obvious that Polaris will be a nightmare for Emarauders and Doctor Octopus Sinister Six but in my opinion, her Skillset allows X-Factor to compete even against Black order and Astonishing X-Men (even though Jubilee is a heavy counter for Multiple Man). Hela is an Asgardian Controller who summons the dead and prevents enemies from using Deathproof. Villain, City, Bio, Controller, Spider-Verse, Sinister Six, Rogue Agent. Since only new PymTech Heroes (Ghost, Yellowjacket, and Stature) have special buffs in Dark Dimension and no one had an opportunity to invest in them yet, I am not an optimist that many players will have Doctor Doom anytime soon. team is the most powerful team of all minion teams in the game currently if we talk about the offense. Along with Spider-Man, Spider-Man Miles, Carnage and Venom he assembles the most powerful Spider-Verse team at the moment. The introduction of Ironheart will free Vision to be used in other teams making some forgotten Heroes viable for Alliance War and Blitz again. Hawkeye is an expert archer who delivers unavoidable attacks to disable his foes. After 3.1 Update, Hulk is improved and now he can pose a real threat if he is in a team with decent synergy (Wave I Avengers team). Additionally, it decreases Critical Chance to all enemies by up to 25% and lowers the chance that enemies assist on non-attack abilities by 25% per Skill Military ally to up to a maximum of 100%. In Dark Dimension it heals all PymTech allies when some of them dodge, instead, and it applies Evade on any Pym Tech ally on their turn. His first ability inflicts heavy damage and provides Loki with a 30% chance to gain Evade. His main purpose is to take hits and protect the team but his offensive capabilities cant be matched by any other Protector in the game including Phyla-Vell. Theory craft says that Spider-Man Symbiote will grant another Stun, mass Slow and decent AoE attack which is much more dangerous than before with Green Goblin. Colleen Wing is the Heroes for Hire Brawler, who deflects powerful attacks and counters with her lightning-fast katana. Gamoras passive ability provides her and her allies an additional critical chance. Crossbones is a Hydra Protector who detonates his enemies. Safeguard is a buff that makes affected Hero immune to Flip buffs and Clear Buffs meaning that Adam Warlocks Infinity Watch allies will have their buffs protected regardless of enemys abilities. If Misty Knight is an ally this attack cannot be dodged while in War Defense every counterattack or Assist applies 3 Bleeds instead. To increase her Critical chance even further Gamora has to be equipped with Raider ISO-8 class. With the introduction of ISO-8 classes, Jessica can choose between Healing class and Skirmisher class ti improve the fighting capabilities of Defenders. On maximum Charged she transfers all negative effects from self and each Fantastic Four ally to the enemy with the most Damage and then attacks that enemy causing medium damage to the primary target and minor damage to adjacent targets removing all Charge at the end of the attack. Ultron is the most important Hero for any Raid team and he can be a part of various combinations. Taskmaster Character Spotlight | Marvel Strike Force. Keeping Merc Lieutenant, Taskmaster, and Merc Riot Guard as a core 3, you can add Killmonger+Shuri Bullseye+Merc Sniper Killmonger+Merc Soldier Korath+Ultimus. Villain, CIty, Tech, Blaster, Mercenary, Minion. Hero, City, Mystic, Brawler, Defender, Martial Artist. His first skill inflicts medium damage to the single target and grants a bonus attack which damage depends on the number of negative effects on that target. His second skill infuses a primary target with random negative effects and clears all positive effects from the rest of the team with a chance to flip positive effect into negative. His first ability causes up to 200% damage before executing a bonus attack that causes up to 150% Damage. At the same time it applies Defense Up and Offense Up to all Infinity Watch allies for up to 2 turns and if the target has any positive effects it also applies up to 2 Deathproofs on the entire Infinity Watch team. All members start with the Offense Up, Namor can clear positive effects on enemies while Invisible Woman provides solid protection and cleansing. Her special skill attacks the primary target causing up to 400% Damage and applying up to 4 Bleeds. The same case is with Omega Red also. It also stuns all summoned characters in the enemy team. Stroms ultimate is devastating if she is charged. Because of Iron Fist, Defenders can slice through some Raids without using healing packs making them very useful for this segment of the game. Taskmasters ultimate causes moderate damage against all enemies applying Blind on primary and two other random targets as well as applying Bleed for up to 2 turn to all targets. There is no Hero in the game currently who provides a greater difference in overall DPS than Omega Red. Monstrositys main weakness is his low speed but if he is protected well he could be a killing machine. The core Defenders were the first synergy team in Marvel Strike Force but with the introduction of Heroes for Hire, they are definitely not needed anymore. White Tigers price is 45 Shards currently available only in Ancestral Spirit Orbs. Shocker uses his Tech sonic bursts to damage entire teams and strengthen his Sinister Six allies. Phoenixs ultimate inflicts heavy damage to all enemies and clears up to 3 positive effects from each target. The introduction of Cyclops will definitely strengthen the already powerful X-men team. MBaku is the noble leader of the Jabari tribe who protects his own and relentlessly assaults his enemies. Shockers price is 15 shards obtainable in Heroes Assemble 3-9 and Cosmic 1-9 Campaign missions. Kestrel is overpowered in every way and will have amazing synergy with Black Bolts ability to make extra strikes against near-dead targets because of her ability to make extra strikes whenever someone attacks the target with Defense Down. agent who disrupts the enemy team by weakening groups of foes and removing their advantages. Equip Taskmaster with either Striker or Raider ISO-8 class depending on his team composition. It is important to realize that Hand Assassin is needed for unlocking Phoenix, therefore she should be farmed as soon as possible. The safest choice is to put him in the Fortifier or the Healer class depending on circumstances but on some occasions, you can use Sam Wilson as support with every other Class. He is an obvious counter for Magnetos ultimate and he can really hurt Defenders with his ultimate. who defends the Helicarrier by clearing positive effects from invading teams. Elsa Bloodstone is a monster-hunting aristocrat who powers up a Supernatural team. His first skill delivers heavy damage and has a chance to hit adjacent targets. Black Bolt and Ultron do not have great synergy because Black Bolt finishes off all opponents preventing Ultron to accumulate ability energy at the desired pace. With his ultimate Ebony Maw places Slow on all enemies and heals all allies. along with Black Bolt. His first skill inflicts heavy damage and has a chance to chain to 2 additional enemies. Mordo should use either Raider or Skirmisher ISO-8 class depending on what you want to improve on him focus or the ability to place Vulnerability on multiple targets at the start of combat. If Misty Knight is an ally, this attack cannot be dodged. It is always unclear what debuffs Scientist Supreme will place on your team and you can never know will there be enough time to clear the room with the presence of annoying A.I.M. Then it chains to 2 adjacent targets ignoring Stealth and causing the same effects with slightly decreased damage (Counterattack breaks this chain). Iron Fist can choose between healer ISO-8 class and Raider class depending on the circumstances. The sole purpose of She-Hulk is to replace Namor if you decide to put your Fantastic Four team in Alliance War defense. Mercenary Lieutenant is a field leader who makes allies faster and stronger. Shang Chis ultimate attacks all enemies causing up to 450% damage + 75% additional damage per positive effect on the primary target and reduces the Speed Bar of all enemies by 10%. He has a synergy with X-Factor allies who benefit from his presence even more and special synergy with Shatterstar who increases the potency of Longshots critical strikes allowing him to make additional strikes when using the basic ability. However, since they do not have a 5th member you will need to carefully choose who will accompany them in War Defense. Assaulters main attack always applies Bleed to the enemy (when upgraded) and he speeds himself for up to 4 turns while attacking the primary target. Beasts ultimate applies Offense Up to all Blaster, Brawler, and X-Men allies, applies Defense up on all Protector, Controller, and X-Men allies, applies Speed Up and generate Ability Energy for all Support and X-Men allies, and grants Regeneration to all Mutant allies. A.I.M. Upon enemy Critical, there is a 30% chance that Magneto casts Speed Up on self and all Brotherhood allies. Same as first skill, her special grants 1 charge if she is not in Binary form or uses 1 charge if she is. His first skill causes heavy damage against primary and adjacent targets. In War Defense She-Hulk also permanently increases the damage of self and all Fantastic Four allies by 30%. Ebony Maw is powerful and important only in the Black Order team but his special and ultimate ability can be used with all other Heroes especially in Raids. In my opinion (besides the obvious choice of Fortifier ISO-8 class) Stature can also use the Skirmisher class with success. Besides that their damage potential with Phyla-Vell who has the highest base damage in the game and improved Gamora and Nebula is good enough to prevail against anyone. While he is taunting, Bishop has up to 20% damage reduction and always retaliate (100% Counter). With the introduction of ISO-8 classes, Doctor Octopus can increase his healing even further if he is equipped with Healer Class. Jessica is cheap and her price is 15 shards obtainable through Mega Orbs, Premium Orbs, 2-9 Villains United campaign mission, and 4-9 Nexus campaign mission. This is still a theory craft because it remains to be seen if Bishop is capable of protecting other team members and if their damage potential is good enough but according to skill descriptions, Astonishing X-Men will be a force to reckon with. The power of the Black Bolts ultimate under the effect of Offense Up (from Ultrons minions) is devastating he will kill at least 3 enemies after each use which will be enough for Thanos to regenerate his ability energy at maximum. Additionally, MBaku is healed to up to 10% of his Max Health whenever Defense Up is applied to him (if he is already on Max Health he receives additional Defense Up). While in Binary Form, passive ability grants her increased damage, armor, focus and resistance. He must be equipped with raider ISO-8 class and everything else would be a mistake. If he dies while charged he instantly Revives gaining +10% Damage Reduction, +10% Damage, and +175% Resistance per Charged. For example, if you hit Drax who has taunt with Lokis second ability while Yondu is also in the enemy team, Yondu will (if mind controlled) remove Taunt from Drax. In Alliance War, Namors ultimate always Crits, changes the Speed Bar of all enemies by -10% and can clear all positive effects from each enemy if the ability is fully upgraded. Full Heroes for Hire with Shang Chi can be beaten only by full Infinity Watch (of equal strength or higher) and maybe with some Doctor Doom combos but that is not certain. His first skill causes moderate damage against the single target and activates the weaker bonus attack. This practically means that Blob will counterattack at 100% certainty when he is in the full Brotherhood team. Star-Lord is a charismatic leader who generates ability energy for allies and distracts enemies. When charged his second skill can damage targets who are two spaces from primary target for moderate amount of damage. Shocker is a decent Hero who should be an answer for anyone who wants to counter Defenders. The most loyal and resilient Hydra guards are trained to sacrifice themselves for thecause. Emma Frost is a natural addition to the Marauders team. This attack always grants +5000%. Using Colleen without other Heroes for Hire is possible but not recommendable. Security represents the full might of the S.H.I.E.L.D. Her first skill inflicts medium damage to the primary and adjacent targets and clears 2 positive effects from each target. His special skill summons up to 2 Dupes and removes all negative effects from all Dupe allies. Ravager Stitcher can be summoned by Yondu. His passive increases his basic damage and Piercing damage. Stryfes price is 45 shards obtainable through Premium Orbs, Mega Orbs, Blitz Orbs, and Blitz Supplies. minion, who can infuse injured allies with stealth and steal positive effects for Nick Fury. and our Invisible Womans ultimate applies Offense Down on all enemies for 2 turns and grants barrier to all allies equal to 40% of her Max Health. Agent Coulson is very expensive for a reason. is a fictional counter-terrorism agency led by Nick Fury which employs espionage and law-enforcement in its work. Quakes ultimate delivers up to 320% of her base damage to all enemies and applies Offense Down to all targets. His second skill inflicts medium damage, chains to additional targets, and gives up to 2 Counters to Daredevil and all Shadowland and Defender allies. His price is 180 shards. Cloak, Dagger, and especially Deathpool are stories for themselves (not only for Raid) and there is no need to further explain their importance, Silver Surfer is a natural pick because he is the best Mystic Hero who is not part of any particular team, and Adam Warlock has the best utility of all Mystic Heroes. Luke Cage is an extremely tough taunting protector with high damage and health. If there are enough skirmishers she should use Striker class, otherwise, she should use Raider class. Her special skill places Barrier on Polaris equal to 20% of her Max Health and then attacks primary and adjacent targets causing up to 190% damage. As a sole hero, Pyro is nothing special but when he is in the team with Magneto he is a killing machine because Magnetos ultimate brings all enemies together in the first turn making them ideal targets for all of Pyros skills. Striker Iso-8 class is a natural decision for Phyla-Vell since when you have the highest damage potential you want to increase it further, however, since she will assist a lot she may benefit from Skirmisher as well especially if you want to help your team with constant Offense Downs on enemies and constant removing of enemy buffs. The introduction of Psylocke officially ended the Brotherhood reign in the Arena and just because of that she became an irreplaceable asset in every roster. His second skill inflicts heavy damage to the single target applying Offense Down on the enemy and Taunt on Thanos. His second skill also delivers medium damage to the primary target but it hits adjacent targets as well. Her first skill causes medium damage to the single target granting her +50% Crit Chance while executing it and a certain assist from the X-Force ally. In Raids their Speed is increased by an additional 20% and their Damage by 40%! However, his Block chance and Block amount grant him higher survivability than most of MSF Heroe and his synergy with anyone who applies Defense Up makes him very useful for both Raid and Blitz. Miles Morales aka Spider-Man[Miles] is an agile City Hero capable of prolonging enemies debuffs and striking multiple targets, who protects himself with almost permanent Stealth. Improving the damage of his basic means improving the damage of every assist, therefore, the improvement of his basic is mandatory. Black Panthers ultimate chains to 2 additional targets for a high amount of damage or attack all enemies if charged. Her skillset counters Phoenix which indicates that she will be an irreplaceable member of any team who wants to oppose the mighty X-Man team. Her basic skill causes heavy damage against the primary target and applies Defense Down for up to 2 turns. Kree Noble is an expensive minion that costs 45 shards obtainable through milestone orbs and premium orbs. This skill bypasses Heal Block, applies Bleed for 2 turns on all enemies and Regeneration for 2 turns on all allies (Kree allies gain Deflect also). Unlike, Blade and Dagger, Deathpool can be and will be used in a lot of custom combinations so she deserves a special tier like new Gamora and Kestrel. Scream is the Hero who should be used only in the Symbiote team. Captain Marvel is a Kree Military Brawler who is basically immune to negative effects and who has immense destructive power while in Binary Form. Ravager Boomers price is 15 shards and he is obtainable through blitz supplies, blitz orbs, premium orbs, and milestone orbs. frontline soldier, who holds the line with defensive tactics and counterattacks, Hero, Global, Skill, Blaster, S.H.I.E.L.D., Minion. Gravitons price is 100 shards available in Minister of Science Orbs, Field Controller Orbs, and Alliance War Store. Passive ability grants her increased Speed Bar at the start of combat, up to 75% chance to place Evade on each X-Force ally on their turn, and increases Dodge Chance and Crit Damage for her and all X-Force allies. If any of these strikes is a critical strike, Killmonger loses 1 Charge and gains Offense Up. These characters join the ever-growing roster already available in MARVEL Strike Force, including Inhumans Black Bolt and Yo-Yo! Hawkeyes ultimate inflicts up to 190% of his base damage to all enemy targets and slows them in the process.