Say one final goodbye to make room for all the drama the new series will most certainly bring. Sure, they're BFFs but we always thought Blair's boyfriend Nate had a thing for Serena. When Serena is afraid to tell the truth about what happened before she left the Upper East Side, her friends let her know that they'll be there for her no matter what. GG: Honesty may be the best policy in some ZIP codes, but not in this one. I figured my work was done. Chuck: What the hell is your problem? Gossip Girl (Voice Over) Did S think she could waltz home and things would be just like they were? That's why you make us go to private schools. See for yourselves. Blair knows that being a good friend means being genuine and telling the truth. Chuck I love this town. Well, that means you've taught me the meaning of love, it's expanding, always. If you want to chat about the TV show Gossip Girl then you're in the right place. And has anyone spotted our ex-Queen B? She's at that 'Kiss On The Lips' party, you know. GG Monologue | PDF | Gossip Girl - Scribd Dramatic Monologue. Well, ninety percent of me is sorry. Blair has a unique way of explaining a situation with witty humor, and even though she's frustrated with Serena's focus on her love interest Aaron Rose in this scene, Blair still manages to make a joke. Quotes from Gossip Girl. GG: Spotted skating at Wollman Rink: the Blair Capades. I just wanted to come by and say hi. [Blair hands Jenny one of the invitations], [Serena walks up to them, eating a yoghurt]. Who doesnt love a five-finger discount. Gossip Girl (Voice Over): Spotted: Lonely Boy can't believe the love of his life has returned. There's something wrong with that level of perfection it needs to be violated. Eleanor Because I love you. [EXT NEW YORK - Several people are standing in the streets, looking at the newest 'Gossip Girl' entry on their cell phones]. I saw you at school with Katy and Is and I get it. GG: If I were you, S., Id be worried. These are Blair's wisest quotes. And just as suddenly, shes back. Now that he and S are over so are his 15 minutes. And that is why I am standing here, in the Devil's own city, on the Devil's own street, prepared to do battle with the forces of evil. GG: Dearly Beloved, we are gathered here today, in the face of this company, to watch this man and this woman totally F things up. Love her or hate her, Serena certainly has some epic 1 liner quotes in gossip girl. Dan Well, you look good, Jen. [Serena notices Jenny and shakes her hand]. More Secrets. Dan Yeah, I may have slightly overbudgeted it for travel time. Nate: Well is something actually wrong or is this just a ploy to get us both here? . If you just hit "print" every single monologue will print!!! Lily What do you mean? Or can these two hotties work it out? [INT HOME OF THE HUMPHREYS - JENNY'S ROOM - Jenny is sitting at the sewing machine, Dan enters]. have a holly jolly Christmas. Serena van der Woodsen. Gossip Girl (TV Series 2007-2012) - IMDb Gossip Girl: Spotted: Lonely Boy. Kristen Bell. And everyone is talking. I've been drinking on an empty stomach. Looks like our resident moral compass isnt such a straight arrow after all. And it sucks. The truth is, almost nobody wants to experience real nature. All Monologues; Popular Types: Popular: Women; Men; Teens; Kids; Comedic; Contemporary; Shakespeare; Explore Great Comedic Monologues. Lucky for Lonely Boy theres more than one fable filling our inbox. Genre: Comedic. It's a party. None Of My Friends Will, Whatever You And God Think Is Fair- Flogging, Fasting, Putting That. Serena Let's fix that. She's always been a free spirit. Caprese salad with a little mozzarella di Bufala yeah, I'm gonna make you guys [Rufus puts an arms around Jenny and they walk off, Dan turns around and notices Serena]. Gossip Girl: Sometimes, in an effort to spread the most outrageous rumors, we look over the very thing thats even more scandalousthe truth. Are you shopping for some more art to match your furniture? Gossip Girl: Breaking News: Asher Hornsby overheard bragging that Little J swiped her V card at his register. Chauffeur: Where to, Mr. Bass? The ones that run as far as they can so they dont have to look at themselves. Uhm, what do you want to talk about? Rufus Yeah, from Chanterlane to Paris until you switched up rock stars for billionaires. Jenny Ok good, 'cause I already ordered and only got enough for one. Will she use it as ammunition or will she finally surrender and put down her arms? "People do have power over us even after they're gone". Gossip Girl: They say a leopard cant change his spots. Since The Met's not gonna be happy. Eleven (11) Romantic Monologues About Hopeful Love Tara Meddaugh Judes bazaar. Everything that Blair says is clever, whether she's speaking about matters of the heart or her changing friendship with Serena Van Der Woodsen. Well, there is Miss van der Woodsen now [Serena turns around and walks over to the reception]. Serena Jenny, that dress would look even better in black. Blair: I meant what I said on the phone. [FLASHBACK - ONE YEAR AGO - INT BAR - Serena is sitting on top of Nate, riding him], [INT THE PALACE HOTEL - KITCHEN - Chuck violenty tries to kiss Serena], [FLASHBACK - ONE YEAR AGO - INT BAR - Serena and Nate make out heavily], [INT BLAIR'S BEDROOM - Blair falls onto her bed and starts crying], [FLASHBACK - ONE YEAR AGO - INT BAR - Nate kisses Serena's breasts], [INT THE PALACE HOTEL - KITCHEN - Chuck is still trying to kiss Serena], [Serena kicks Chuck between the legs and storms off], [INT THE PALACE HOTEL - BAR - Dan looks around the bar for Serena, she enters the bar and crashes into him, her purse flies to the ground, Dan helps her to pick up her things], [Serena takes her purse and runs off, Dan finds her cell phone on the floor and tries to tell Serena but she is already gone]. So smoke up and seal the deal with Blair 'cause you're also entitled to tab that ass. I'm so happy to see you. Jenny: Come on, Dan. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Was it only a year ago our It Girl mysteriously disappeared for boarding school? GG: Spotted fleeing dessert: S and Lonely Boy. [INT HOME OF THE WALDORFS - Serena walks in and gets noticed by Eleanor]. Serena said hi to you at her 9th grade birthday party and you've never forgotten it. Imposing. Or can these two hotties work it out? Gossip Girl (Voice Over) Spotted: At The Palace Hotel, S and B having a heart to heart. GG: Spotted: Chuck Bass losing something no one knew he had to begin with. Dan Yeah, no, I it's not a problem, really. On the way, Thelma falls for sexy young thief J.D. A tradition since the year 2000, each one more decadent than the last. Hey Upper East Siders. The characters all should have ended up in jail much moreoften than they actually did, and some of their actionswould be unforgivable in today's world. [FLASHBACK - ONE YEAR AGO - INT BAR - Serena and Nate make out heavily, undressing each other, Chuck watches from the balcony]. In the snow. Nate I don't know. Katy: My god, you'll never believe what's on 'Gossip Girl'. RELATED:5 Times Blair and Serena Were Good Friends On Gossip Girl (& 5 Times They Were Horrible). Dan: There isn't going to be anybody up here. So my dad left her for another man. Dan You really go out with some guy you don't know? "We Don't Judge. And everyone is talking. I'm trying to change. Whats going on? Lily What do I want, baby? Thanks for the photo, Mel. Top 6 Gossip Girl Monologue Quotes & Sayings Erik, hi. And here is yours as promised. Find a character or situation that you can relate too. Like, if I blew her off to hang out with Kyle she would be like, "Why didn't you call me back!?". Jenny Dad, you could just tell me I look nice instead of turning this into a sermon on the passage of time. Chuck: Victory party, here, tomorrow night. In the city that never sleeps a lot can happen in one night. Amy Adams earned her first Oscar nomination for Junebug, and after watching this monologue, you'll understand why the critics couldn't get enough of her performance . [EXT NEW YORK CITY - Rufus is putting up flyers for a concert of his band 'Lincon Hawk', Dan is with him]. Its Christmas time in the city. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Diners that claim to be open 24-7. [EXT HOME OF THE WALDORFS - The doorman opens the door of a town car, Serena gets out], [INT BLAIR'S BEDROOM - Blair and Nate are kissing on the bed, undressed]. And Serena and Blair? Save some trees, have a blog. 13. You know my mom: If it's not broke, break it. GG: Looks like Chuck and Blair showed up with quite an appetite. Not everybody was so ready to embrace the adult themes. So until next time, you know you love me. The characterswere closer with their friends than their own families, proving that family has little to do with blood. "Fanny" is a monologue for a female actress from the scene "Gossip" (low cost PDF of scene) in the published play "The Weird, Wild and Wonderful Days of School" (low cost PDF of full play) by D. M. Larson (ISBN-13: 978-1482739626) When you purchase a PDF, you may make as many photocopies as needed (but please do NOT repost the text online in any way). [Serena notices Nate on the other side of the room, Blair opens her bedroom door and walks into the room, blocking Nate from Serena's view, Serena and Blair hug]. But the downside? Although Blair schemes and treats people poorly during the first few seasons of the original show, she has a redemption arc and becomes a better person by the series finale. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. It looks like the battle between the Queen B and Little J has moved from the streets to the blogs. That's one secret I'll never tell. It's Been A While Since My Last Confession. Gossip Girl (Voice Over) Spotted: At the steps of the Met, an S and B power struggle. Blairmakes the interesting point that Dr. Krueger isn't necessarily smart because he has several degrees. Aya's favorite movies are Scream and You've Got Mail and her favorite TV shows include My So-Called Life, Gilmore Girls, You, and Seinfeld. This is the last item that goes to press without proof. Pilot/Transcript | Gossip Girl Wiki | Fandom Nate, can I borrow you? GG: Some might call this a fustercluck, but on the Upper East Side, we call it Sunday afternoon. Comedic monologues from plays for auditions and acting practice. Chuck Yeah? Lily: Let's not discuss this right now, ok? Chuck I heard you didn't do that anymore. Looks like gentlemen dont prefer blondes, Little J. You were like my sister and with our families we need each other. Lily: So I told him: Forget it, I don't care if it's mahogany. These 25 most heart-wrenching, humbling, and humorous quotes from Gossip Girl 's original cast will . But if they dont call you back, it usually means they dont want to be found. You do love truffels? Rachel has worked with several media outlets and written television reviews featured on Rotten Tomatoes. They, along with the rest of the Upper East Siders, provided some deep insight about friendship, thatviewerscan still relate to, ten years later. Without you, Im nothing. Serena I talked to the nurse and I'm kidnapping you. Chuck Let's catch up. Gossip Girl: And everyone knows the biggest present comes in the smallest box. She has a Political Science and Media Studies degree from the University of Toronto and a Masters of Journalism from Ryerson University. Blair has some mean quotes on Gossip Girl, whether she's got a comeback ready or is insulting someone. [INT HOME OF THE HUMPHREYS - KITCHEN - Jenny organizes handwritten invitations, Rufus is making breakfast, Dan walks in], [Rufus hands Dan an issue of 'Rolling Stone', Dan reads the front page]. Gossip Girl: Has our bad girl really gone good? Who are you anyway? In fact, in Chuck's case, there was no love lost when helet his father fall from a building to his death. Come on, we need to get you out of here before mom shows up. [INT LIMOUSINE - Blair, Nate, Chuck, Isabel and Katy are laughing and drinking champagne], [INT THE PALACE HOTEL - Dan enters and sees Serena standing on the gallery, they look at each other and smile], [INT 'KISS ON THE LIPS' PARTY - Chuck, Isabel and Katy are standing at the bar, Chuck spots Jenny in the crowd]. [Serena takes Blair's left over Martini and emptys it in one gulp]. The good trash is scandalous, full of panache . And here is yours. Keep that in mind. Dan I don't know, I think she would be a tad overwhelmed by the glitz and the glamour of the Humphrey lifestyle. Serena Enough to know it's not on the menue. Keep your eye on the prize, Jenny Humphrey. The best dramatic monologues in cinema can be found within every genre. On the Upper East Side its easy to think the world is exactly as it appears. Nobody knows me. Chuck Well, if you're looking for a way to thank me I've got a couple ideas. Wonder whos going down next? Gossip Girl: Wake up, Little Jenny. Blair: Thanks, mom. Meagan is confused as to why men play games when it comes to making the first phone call. [INT HOME OF THE HUMPREYS - DAN'S BEDROOM - Dan is looking at the blog of 'Gossip Girl']. Nurse: Young lady, you can't be here. Blair smartly says that an Ivy League school wouldn't accept two students from the same school, showing that she understands how things work, even if it seems unfair. Rachel is considered to be unpopular with most of the other students because she comes across as being self . Eleanor: I have to design a dress for this woman. Let me show you here, come here. Nice to meet you. Chuck and Blair's relationship is a bit polarizing as Chuck has done some terrible things but even if fans don't agree with the relationship, Blair still seems wise and mature here. "Fanny" monologue for female (1 actor) from the published play "Gossip" More Scandals. Dan Sorry, nothing, nothing. I just Blair Because it's just yours to take if you want it? Watching Blair accept Cyrus into her family shows a lot of growth. Jenny So we should be anonymous losers who eat lunch alone and never get invited to parties? If only she knew who he was. Lily What are you and Dan Humphrey doing? Blair's quote at the end of season 4 isa significant part of her character arc. She spread lies instead. But I would like to check out west. Gossip Girl. Bula Bister - runs a small town newspaper which is more like a gossip paper than a serious news source. Number One Fan. Every monologue Julien had thus far fell flat : r/GossipGirl I need them to make a self tape, maybe the scene in season 3 where she steals the speech from vanessa. Gossip Girl - TV Show Transcripts - OurBoard Blair Waldorf monologue from episode 1x08 | Sami Gotskind | 2020 Too bad for her there's school on Monday. Actually kinda was. No expenseor reputationis spared. Ages of the actors: Teens up to to fifties, depending on the monologue. Now that your wife left you? The characters of Serena van der Woodsen, Blair Waldorf, Dan Humphrey, Chuck Bass, and Nate Archibald always came out on top regardless of who they were facing off against. In the pilot episode, Blairand Serena see each other again after a long time when Serena comes back home after boarding school. While this quote was in reference to Dan and Blair's relationship, it can be applied to all of the found family dynamics inGossip Girl. You and Blair have been dating forever, all of a sudden there is a problem? This season started airing on HBO Max on July 8, 2021, and a special presentation the following day on The CW. Oh my god. That is what the Bible tells us. Gossip Girl: Spotted on the steps of the Palace: Cinderella stepping onto a pumpkin instead of her carriage. Serena No, no, listen, if it's Chuck it's not ok. [INT 'KISS ON THE LIPS' PARTY - Dan and Serena enter]. A life of luxury isn't always what it cracks up to be, and the characters' home lives are a perfect example of that. XOXO.Gossip Girl. And, oftentimes, if you're performing a monologue, it's for one of these few reasons: You're auditioning for something, you . Jenny Yeah, uhm do you wanna start over back at the party? "Don't understimate that ' only you' .". Concierge How did you know it was Miss van der Woodsen if you didn't read it and if you are not a guest at the hotel what were you doing there? Jenny So that wasn't your laptop you've been to last night to read all about Serena van der Woodsen. Season 1 (2021) | Gossip Girl Wiki | Fandom Blair reads her best friend, Serena, a letter in this scene. Serena And if you get a drink they are also serving pigs. GG: None of the above. Who doesn't love a five-finger discount. You know, maybe USC, UCLA? While others cling to the security of being part of a group. Party Guests: I heard she is pregnant rehab she looks good [Serena walks up to her mother, Lily, who is talking to a friend]. Dan Eh, we're going to a concert tonight. You never know what could go wrong in a flash. And along with the season comes the Constance Billard/St. But despite their bickering, they would sacrifice any relationship they were in if it meant ensuring the happiness of the other. "Brothers and sisters, resist the Devil and he will flee from you. For better. 100% found this document useful, Mark this document as useful, 0% found this document not useful, Mark this document as not useful, According To The Catholic Church, Mortal Sin Can Only, Absolved Through The Sacred Act Of Confession, But It Looks Like A Ce, W.A.S.P. And just as suddenly she's back. Chuck Ok, I am sorry. There were plenty of flashbacks on the "Gossip Girl" finale, most of which focused on Dan Humphrey (Penn Badgley) and his first encounters with Serena van der Woodsen (Blake Lively).In the present time, viewers saw Dan decide to give the final chapter of his book to Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) and "The Spectator," which revealed who Gossip Girl was. Funny Monologues That'll Surely Leave the Audience in Splits Rufus Yeah. All Rights Reserved, 25 Girl Monologues for Auditions and Castings, Top 25 Girl Monologues from Original Plays, Dont Leave Me Without Muffin (drama) 1 Minute. One of my many sources, Melanie91, sends us this: Spotted at Grand Central, bags in hand: Serena van der Woodsen. Surrendered My Virtue To A Self-Absorbed Ass. Where the only thing bazaar are the donated items for sale. Top 25 Girl Monologues - Monologue Blogger Get a good nights sleep, c. Call your boyfriend, or d. Get out! Don't believe me? And not this week. You do, really. Aya has been a freelance writer since 2014 and has written about topics ranging from pop culture to travel, parenting, and dating and relationships. The ghost of partys past. Gossip Girl: Serena van der Woodsen, looks like your invitation just arrived. Don't forget: I know everything! It reminded me when she started the war against gossip girl and looked at camera like it was some power move meanwhile I was like what is even happening.i didn't understand a thing.. and her bully speech, like every monologue she has . Sererna: Chuck, don't you ever touch her again! Was it only a year ago our It-Girl mysteriously disappeared for quote 'boarding school'. Nate Actually, we got into a pretty big fight. And then there are those other people. Until next time. [INT THE HUMPHREY'S ART GALLERY - Rufus is working, Lily walks in]. Add a crowd eager to see her fall. And when it comes to college, that means the Ivys. Gossip Girl: Whyd she leave? My name is Dan Humphrey and that is my little sister. Humility becomes self-doubt. To call the series "woke" feels reductive. Dan Holy stone, wow! Teen Acting Monologues | Backstage And I would be, like, "Why are you so obsessed with me?". Or will he end up with another victim? With Blake Lively, Leighton Meester, Penn Badgley, Chace Crawford. Princess Has Recently Found Herself Desperately In Need Of A Little. I saw the invitation on the nightstand. And Who Is The Man Upstairs To Discriminate? [INT - THE PALACE HOTEL - Dan is standing at the reception talking to the Concierge who is holding Serena's cell phone]. Gossip Girl Season One Finale Recap, Episode 12 - Vulture Elegant. Gossip Girl (Voice Over) Did B think S would go down without a fight? I guess miracles can happen. The Best Dramatic Monologues From Movies To Memorize - Ranker Nate will wait. Serena No, it's ok. I'm going to have to tell my parents the hotel they just bought is serving minors. (Brad Pitt) and the sympathetic Detective Slocumb (Harvey Keitel) tries to convince the . Jenny Oh my gosh, it's Serena. As the entire script before performing your monologue. And I'm pretty sure she thought I was someone else. Blair I knew it! Nate: Yes, well Dartmouth is my first choice. Monologues from Plays - Daily Actor Maybe it won't be so bad. Gossip Girl: Spotted: Lonely Boy learning that when the punishment fits the crime there is no reason you cant serve your sentence in style. When the guy is sitting at the bar talking to some other scum and saying,"She's so beautiful." This is how I felt. Gossip Girl: 10 Blair Quotes That Prove She Was The Smartest, 5 Times Blair and Serena Were Good Friends On Gossip Girl (& 5 Times They Were Horrible), 5 Worst Things Dan Did To Serena On Gossip Girl (& 5 Worst Serena Did To Him), 10 Best Chuck & Blair Gossip Girl Relationship Episodes, Big Bang Theory Secretly Hinted At Paiges Dark Young Sheldon Future, One Big Bang Theory Main Character Was Only Meant To Be A Guest Role, The Conners Just Made Jackies Andy Retcon Even More Confusing. Season one is split into two parts: Part One and Part Two, each having six episodes. Since this is a monologue, I decided to look up instea. Do not sell or share my personal information. And I have the biggest news ever. Lily As happy as I am to have you home, you have no idea what it's been like. "People don't tell you who you are. Length: Each monologue is about 4 - 5 minutes long except American girl, which is 7-8 minutes long. [Nate, his father, Howie, and another guest are standing together]. But our moneys on Brooklyn for the win. GG: Another bomb lands in Blairs lap. And this could be a classic. Give me the deets. U KNOW Chuck?]. Gossip Girl: You didn't hear it from us, but in every girl's life there comes a moment when she realizes that her mother just might be more messed up than she is. Jenny Here, I made you one during free period but anyone asks where you got it, I know nothing. Always have, always will. Jenny Well, I heard she's living at The Palace Hotel. Oh, and dad's at the gallery working late. They get into plenty of arguments and stop talking for weeks on end, butno one in the series is proud of who they once were. Today I felt beautiful. Gossip Girl Season 1, Episode 9 Soundtrack. [INT OSTROFF CENTER - ERIK'S ROOM - Serena walks in]. I mean, should we talk about this? She wasn't invited. They had to overcome drama with quite a few villains between season 1 and season 6. So what are you doing here? Everybody, if B has anything to say about it. [INT CAB - Dan hugs Jenny, then looks at Serena who smiles at him, Serena turns and looks out of the side window]. If you don't want to do anything that's cool. Looks like Utter Disgrace is the name on the label. I'm sorry about that. Let me see [They both pull on the bottle until it opens with a loud bang]. Find teen monologues. Star Girl Monologue - 221 Words | Studymode I just what needed to be done. And you know who loves parties? When parents have sacrificed for their childrens futures, what kid would want to let them down? I think it may be for the best. Hope that Hello Kitty sleeping bag doubles as a parachute. I just thought you were hot. Truth is, I never went to bed. Chuck Alfonso, you're stud. Lily Guess what I found for you a dress for 'Kiss On The Lips'. Blair Waldorf seen dallying with an off-duty doorman on Monday night. And its just a matter of time before this one snaps. Rufus Sounds very fair. So what the hell. It's a Wonderful Lie. Make a donation. Rufus: Hey, hey! Gossip Girl: The French revolution had cake. So, uhm, sensible tortured soul boy is actually kind of superficial. Find a monologue that fits you and your experiences. Ranking Gossip Girl's Most Messed Up Villains - TheThings Gossip Girl (Voice Over): Wonder what Blair Waldorf thinks. Very cool, looking hot, number nine! When Serena comes back to New York City, Blair isn't sure if Serena has changed andBlair feelslost and disconnected, unsure where they stand. Lighter than air and heading downtown. We hear that World War III just broke out. They might all have more money than they know what to do with, but while money is important, it's true that it isn't everything. Apologise. Top 25 Girl Monologues. Thats right: Debutante season. You made it. You love her, she loves you. Dan Yeah, 'Rolling Stone' named them one of the 'Top 10 Forgotten Bands Of The '90s'. Serena Yeah, we're renovating again. Or is it all just part of the act? RELATED: Gossip Girl: The 10 Best Characters Introduced After Season 1. Jenny Maybe you'd care if dad's band was on 'Gossip Girl'. WhileBlair and Serena do maintain their close relationship and become even more supportive and loyal to each other by the series finale, their friendship is pretty shaky at this point in the story. Serena So, how's your mom doing with the divorce and everything? Description: A girl on Halloween encounters someone with a really cool and realistic costume. I'm gonna be late. Penelope social suicide watch. Rufus: Let's go home. This monologue is extremely self-aware. episode 1 in season 4 where she tells serena how heartbroken she actually is, how sad she is, that's a good one. Serena So I'm a little overdressed, aren't I? Im tired of being the bearer of bad grudges. Narrator (Gossip Girl) Season 1 Quotes - Planet Claire Quotes Nate I can do it, I can open it. Send me all the deets. The CW. You will find that the monologues listed here are a good mash up of both comedy and drama monologue pieces. Serena Well, I wish I could have been there. What we're entitled to is a trust fund maybe a house in the Hamptons, a prescription drug problem. Per WaPo: In a monologue filled with references to his abiding use of marijuana, the actor, who went on the show to promote his upcoming movie "Champions," said he read a script where "the biggest drug cartels in the world get together and buy up all the media and all the politicians and force all the people in the world to stay locked in . I loved her to death. Gossip Girl: This just in: Asher Hornsby spotted locking lips before class, but not with his girlfriend. [EXT NEW YORK CITY - Dan runs across the street to catch his bus to school]. Serena No, no, that that was then. Nathaniel, you're finally about to have sex with your girlfiend. Gossip Girl: This just in: S and B committing a crime of fashion. I'll see you at school tomorrow. Whos your Daddy, B? I'm mean, too bad it's more than our rent but I think I can sew something like it. If only she knew who he was. Reviewers weren't exaggerating when they calledGossip Girl"scandalous." We're The Non-Judging Breakfast Club.