The government did not restrict or disrupt access to the internet or block or filter online content. In July unknown assailants abducted and killed Aranza Ramos in the state of Sonora. Standards moving through the development process at standards developing organizations (SDOs). Of the 32 states, 24 criminalize sexual harassment, and all states have provisions for punishment when the perpetrator is in a position of power. The year 2020 had the second-highest number of cases on record, with 8,626 reported missing or disappeared, down from 9,185 cases reported in 2019. The CNDH maintained a human rights program to inform and assist members of indigenous communities. Penalties were commensurate with other similar laws but were rarely enforced. Following the introduction of the accusatorial justice system, however, there was a significant reduction in the number of persons detained in this manner, falling from more than 1,900 in 2011 to 21 in 2018. Refworld | Mexico: Criminality, including organized crime; state According to civil society groups, migrants at some detention centers faced abuse when commingled with gang members and other criminals. Recent Elections: International observers considered the midterm elections (legislative, gubernatorial, and local) to be generally free and fair, with only minor reports of irregularities. According to labor rights NGOs, employers in all sectors sometimes used the illegal hours bank approach requiring long hours when the workload is heavy and cutting down hours when it is light to avoid compensating workers for overtime. in alan wong married. Black migrants reported migration authorities detained Black migrants for longer periods than other migrants. Federal law prohibits torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment, as well as the admission of confessions obtained through illicit means as evidence in court. In January 2020 the government raised the minimum wage. Also in June a federal judge sentenced the former mayor of Chinipas, Chihuahua, Hugo Amed Schultz Alcaraz, to eight years in prison for his role in the 2017 murder of Miroslava Breach, a prominent La Jornada newspaper correspondent who reported on organized crime and corruption. Following Ramos killing, Cecilia Flores, the leader of one of the search collectives in which Ramos participated, received death threats. The government continued its efforts to strengthen freedom of association protections, promote union democracy, and improve the ability of workers to bargain collectively. In 2016 all civilian and military courts officially transitioned from an inquisitorial legal system based primarily upon judicial review of written documents to an accusatorial trial system reliant upon oral testimony presented in open court. In addition to the outstanding Zeron arrest warrant, the Special Unit for the Investigation and Litigation of the Ayotzinapa case issued 12 warrants and made 10 arrests for investigative irregularities, such as torture and obstruction of justice. Underage children in urban areas earned money by begging, washing windshields, selling small items, or performing in public places. Inspectors generally were permitted to examine the informal sector only in response to complaints. Their abduction followed the killings of two Yaqui activists and leaders: Thomas Rojo in May and Luis Urbano in June. World Report 2022: Venezuela | Human Rights Watch US Overseas Security Advisory Council issues new Travel Advisory for Mexico Communities and NGOs representing indigenous groups criticized the government for failing to consult indigenous communities adequately when making decisions regarding extractive industry and natural resource development projects on indigenous lands. Gomez had advocated against illegal logging and the destruction of the Michoacan monarch butterfly habitat. In May voting in prisons occurred for the first time in the countrys modern history after the Federal Electoral Tribunal ruled prisoners in pretrial detention had the right to vote. When authorities fail to accept a recommendation, the CNDH makes that known publicly. OSAC has developed into an enormously successful joint venture, with U.S. companies and organizations receiving the tools they need to cope with security issues in a . In most states alternative justice centers employed mechanisms such as mediation, negotiation, and restorative justice to resolve minor offenses outside the court system. This decision prevented a protection union from attempting to stop the strike by filing a challenge to the Mineros Unions control of the existing collective bargaining agreement at the San Martin mine in Sombrerete, Zacatecas. In July 2020 legislators approved a law making all judicial sentences public. After the STPS canceled the vote, in May the rapid response mechanism under the U.S.-Mexico-Canada Agreement commenced, and the government agreed to review a denial of freedom of association and collective bargaining rights at the plant, confirming the denial of rights. Nevertheless, only 2 percent of schoolteachers in the country were trained to teach children with disabilities, according to the civil society organization Yo Tambien. Calls included reports of relationship aggression, sexual assault, sexual harassment, rape, and intrafamily violence. osac mexico 2019 crime and safety report - Respect for the Integrity of the Person, a. Freedom of Expression, Including for Members of the Press and Other Media, b. Freedoms of Peaceful Assembly and Association, d. Freedom of Movement and the Right to Leave the Country, e. Status and Treatment of Internally Displaced Persons, Section 3. With a judges consent, children may marry at younger ages. Various news outlets showed a video of two National Migration Institute agents with riot gear and shields grabbing one migrant, knocking him to the ground, and kicking him. A variety of domestic and international human rights groups generally operated without government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases. Safety Tips for Travelers . 0 . The reforms provide workers with the right to freely elect union representatives and approve or reject collective bargaining agreements through a secret ballot process before they are registered. As of August, 25 of 32 states had specialized prosecutors offices for investigating torture, or specialized investigative units within the state attorney generals office as called for by law. Authorities held some detainees under house arrest. According to the NGO Freedom House, Researchers continued to document cases of journalists, human rights lawyers, activists, and political figures targeted with Pegasus spy software. Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) - United States Department of The list named at least 50 persons linked to President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador, politicians from every party, as well as journalists, lawyers, activists, prosecutors, diplomats, judges, and academics. Mexican cartel war transforms Guanajuato into a deadly place - Los In March police officers broke the neck of Salvadoran refugee Victoria Salazar. According to the Mexican Commission for the Promotion of Human Rights, from 2006 to 2020, federal authorities issued 27 sentences for torture. Crime Scene Investigation & Reconstruction Subcommittee | NIST The Federal Center and the new federal labor courts are designed to handle all matters related to collective bargaining agreements, but until the Federal Center establishes its offices in all the states, labor disputes in states without a Federal Center presence are to be handled by the CABs. Since 2019 more than 60 women accused Roemer of sexual abuse, assault, and rape. The United States Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) has issued a travel advisory for Americans planning travel to Mexico for spring break.. Forced internal displacement disproportionally affected indigenous communities. The government has an established procedure for determining refugee status and providing protections. The law provides for freedom of expression, including for members of the press and other media, and the government generally respected this right. To some of the abusers were reported to be male classmates, but there were also reports sexual! On February 19, a constitutional reform eliminated presidential immunity for corruption and other crimes. PDF Organized Crime and Violence in Guanajuato - JUSTICE IN MEXICO As of August 16, the suspects remained in detention awaiting trial. This process is designed to ensure that you are made aware of the safety and/or health risks associated with . In August the Mexico City congress approved a reform allowing LGBTQI+ children ages 12 years and older to legally change their gender on their birth certificate. Additionally, the INE introduced quotas to promote minority representation, requiring political parties to nominate a certain number of candidates belonging to minority groups, including from indigenous, Afro-Mexican, and lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, and intersex (LGBTQI+) communities, as well as persons with disabilities. International Child Abductions: The country is party to the 1980 Hague Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. Last Update: Reissued with updates to health information. Nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) and family members of disappeared persons alleged the prosecutors undercounted the actual number of cases. Labor recruiters enticed families to work during harvests with verbal promises of decent wages and a good standard of living. Nonetheless, discrimination was common against racial and ethnic minorities, including Black, Afro-Mexican, and indigenous groups. As of August 16, authorities had not arrested any suspects. The 27,751 calls to the hotline in May were the most since the creation of the hotline. High levels of impunity, including for killings or attacks on journalists, resulted in self-censorship and reduced freedom of expression and the press. In October 2020 the Electoral Tribunal granted registration to three new political parties: Solidary Encounter Party, Progressive Social Networks, and Social Force for Mexico. 03 / Select Countries You can add more than one country or area. Some detainees complained of a lack of access to family members and to counsel after police held persons incommunicado for several days and made arrests arbitrarily without a warrant. Sanchez was a reporter for Facebook-based Panorama Pacifico and was in the protection mechanism after suffering an attempt on his life in July 2020. INEGI found that 53 percent of women of reproductive age used modern contraception in 2018 (the most recent study). See state summaries and advisory levels below for information on your specific travel destination. Womens rights activists supported the law as critical to combat the increasingly prevalent problem of online sexual harassment. Women and children were subjected to domestic servitude. Six female candidates became governors, the largest number in the history of the country. It may exercise its power to call before the Senate government authorities who refuse to accept or enforce its recommendations. Defendants have the right to free assistance of an interpreter, if needed, although interpretation and translation services for indigenous languages were not always available. Outsourcing practices made it difficult for workers to identify their legally registered employer, thus limiting their ability to seek redress of labor grievances. The government generally exempted accompanying adults from detention to preserve family unity. On July 14, 10 indigenous men from the Yaqui tribe living in Sonora disappeared while transporting cattle in Bacum. They were vulnerable to abuse from staff members, other patients, or guests at facilities where there was inadequate supervision. In April authorities arrested 30 members of the navy and charged them with forced disappearances in Nuevo Laredo, Tamaulipas, in 2018. The survey also reported that persons with darker skin completed 6.5 years of schooling, while those with white skin completed 10 years. The NGO Disability Rights International reported various instances of abuse, including the use of prolonged restraints and isolation rooms for children with disabilities in both public and private institutions. The National Commission to Prevent and Eradicate Violence against Women is responsible for leading government programs to combat domestic violence. In October and November, I spent several . Flores received temporary protection from the Interior Secretariat protection mechanism. By law the government collected biometric data from migrants. The filtering tool offers the user the ability to fully customize the app and . There were high rates of impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. Several indigenous communities brought legal actions to oppose the construction, many of which were dismissed or denied. The constitution and law prohibit all forms of forced or compulsory labor, but the government did not effectively enforce the law. For example, journalists in Nogales, Sonora, said they were aware of unspoken red lines in covering organized crime and that crossing lines, such as mentioning the name of an alleged assailant, could result in personal harm. Media monopolies, especially in small markets, at times constrained freedom of expression. World Report 2022: Mexico | Human Rights Watch The CABs were widely alleged to administer these elections with a bias against new, independent unions. In March 2020 a federal judge issued an arrest warrant for Zeron on charges related to his conduct of the investigation, including torturing alleged perpetrators to force confessions, conducting forced disappearances, altering the crime scene, manipulating evidence, and failing to perform his duties. The education system provided education for students with disabilities nationwide. The CNDH noted significant understaffing at all levels in federal prisons, which affected access to programs, activities, medical services, and opportunities to report possible human rights abuses. The law provides for the right of indigenous persons to elect representatives to local office according to uses and customs law (see section 6, Indigenous Peoples) rather than federal and state electoral law. Mexico Travel Advisory - United States Department of State Concerns persisted regarding organized criminal groups use of physical violence in retaliation for information posted online, which exposed journalists, bloggers, and social media users to the same level of violence faced by traditional journalists. According to the NGO, institutional staff in Baja California reported that four children with disabilities died within days of each other with no known investigations. Legally mandated joint management and labor committees set standards and are responsible for overseeing workplace standards in plants and offices. The Executive Secretariat of the National Public Security System reported 23,907 domestic violence cases in May, an all-time monthly record. A 2016 ruling by the Supreme Court removed the cap on fines for moral damages, leaving journalists vulnerable to exorbitant fines. State governments reported investigating 12 suspected forced labor cases in 2020. The Overseas Security Advisory Council (OSAC) was created in 1985 under the Federal Advisory Committee Act to promote security cooperation between American private-sector interests worldwide and the U.S. Department of State. The Secretariat of National Defense and Secretariat of the Navy also play a role in domestic security, particularly in combating organized criminal groups. osac mexico 2019 crime and safety report - Toyology Government failures to investigate and prosecute attacks on protesters and human rights defenders resulted in impunity for these crimes, consistent with high impunity rates for all crimes. The Federal Center took over registration functions nationwide on November 3 and was preparing to launch a national union registry to contain all files related to union registration and statutes, collective bargaining agreements, and union financial statements. Any work in excess of eight hours in a day is considered overtime, for which a worker is to receive double pay. Although the constitution and law provide for an independent judiciary, court decisions were susceptible to improper influence by both private and public entities, particularly at the state and local level, as well as by transnational criminal organizations. In August the federal government signed a public-private partnership agreement with the Teleton Institute for it to provide rehabilitation services to 20,000 pension-receiving children. If you are traveling for university-related purposes to an area on the University Travel Warning List, you need to follow the instructions below to gain university approval. Moreover, security is one of the most dynamic sectors of the economy. Women were more likely to experience discrimination in wages, working hours, and benefits. osac mexico 2020 crime and safety report - These included low wages, contentious labor management, long work hours, unjustified dismissals, a lack of social security benefits, unsafe workplaces, and no freedom of association. The CNDH reported that assailants killed 12 human rights defenders from January to July. As of September no alleged perpetrators of the disappearances had been convicted, and 78 of those initially accused were released due to lack of evidence, generally due to irregularities in their detention, including confessions obtained through torture. In June the Federal Telecommunications Institute, an autonomous agency created to increase the transparency of media regulation, released internet neutrality guidelines for internet service providers. Indigenous defendants who did not speak Spanish sometimes were unaware of the status of their cases and were convicted without fully understanding the documents they were instructed to sign. The current U.S. Department of State Travel Advisory at the date of this report's publication assesses Peru at Level 2, showing travelers should exercise increased caution. The government had minimal presence in the ownership of news media but remained a significant source of advertising revenue for many media organizations, which at times influenced coverage. As of August 25, former governor of Chihuahua Cesar Duarte was awaiting an extradition decision. Civil society organizations, however, reported that the number of labor inspections was not sufficient to secure compliance. UNICEF reported that 6.9 million students in Venezuela missed almost all classroom instruction between March 2020 and February 2021. In April the STPS suspended a legitimization vote at the General Motors plant in Silao, Guanajuato, due to serious irregularities during the vote. Public buildings and facilities often did not comply with the law requiring access for persons with disabilities. Do not travel to the Colombian border area in the Loreto Region because of crime, or the area in central Peru known as the Valley of the Rivers Apurimac, Ene, and Mantaro (VRAEM) because of crime and terrorism.
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