Frum children should know and be taught better to respect other Gedolim just as we would hope our students and children would not poke fun at any Litvishe Gedolim. In the meantime, at least send them letters of the Rebbe and weekly sichos to start learning chasidus. Its a reflection of a pathetic disconnect from any Jewish values and learning. Please ,Hashem have rachamanus on them they dont know better, A freilichen Purim to all my brothers from Chabad lubavitch, When the Rebbe was nistalek, Schachs followers danced in the street. Chabad /Lubavitch intrigues them. i.e social media. Were incensed, Fake news. But yes move on. As someone who went to ner the menahel has no idea what the Purim shtick is going to be until after it is up so u guys really shouldnt be blaming him. There are legitimate differences in the approach and avodah of Chassidim and others. You are absolutely spot on. Just like at YU there is a Chabad club and Oholei Tayreh bochurim go there every Thursday night to learn Chasidus with the students, same too with Ner Yisroel. (thats besides for the yeshiva boys doing similar what encountered). i have rachamanus for the Rabbis of this Yeshiva when the yidden showed such spontanious simcha /achddus and ahavas chinom at the sudden and miraculous release of Sholom Mordechai Rubashkin we all felt the footsteps of Moshiach SO the satan got busy and with the help of RUACH SCHTUS a bunch of kids in a good yeshivah fell Many kehillos in Bolivia, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico, Panama, Peru, and Venezuela, have no Jewish educational system due to their small size or low level of observance. I havent witnessed mockery of the litvishe people, but if Chabad people do mock them, then this story should be used as an awakening. How can u even ask someone those questions ? Like many thousands of other Chabad bochurim, my boys wereRead more . You can be a true emesdik tzaddik and/or talmid chochom without having any relationship with your rebbe or chassidus. Well said. This yid worked in ner Yisreol (not sure deserves such a name) for 15 years and during the whole time no one ever approached him to speak to him. Most of the 250+ yungeleit learn within the framework of a chabura that is focused on a specific miktzoa and led by a senior member of the Kollel, with guidance from the Rosh Kollel, Harav Ezra Neuberger. The reaction of the principal makes it smell even more. The coverup/deflection is worse than the crime, Its took me a while to figure out that it said kisef hamalchus. Enemies enough, the problem is not with the children or students..they are sponges..they are echoing a tone they have heard..the leadership of these boys communities and their homes is the source of this mockery..or disrespect or disunity..the leaders need to take responsibility for their students actions .. The next time they are asking for kosher food in some far location for their vacation they can forget about chabad.These are sick people, Again they missed out the h. What terrible spelling. Forty years ago a shliach put up a menorah in the town square of a small city, and a non-frum Jewish lady became extremely upset and wrote letters of protest to the local newspaper. Disavow, A slight turn, to those who were offended grow a thicker skin, while the jokes were definitely distasteful, its not hateful. Those who are involved in a business profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus. It is not on stationery from the school. Try driving near the MirRead more . funny how the latest time for shachris on the sign is 2:00 pm, This generation is all about shtus. Spot on. And one of them quickly wrote a handwritten letter. The most interesting of these, Throughout the year, various groups of alumni and Kollelim schedule Yarchei Kallah, Friedman Family/Hurwitz Education Building. Many years ago on Purim he met a yid. Gegent is a business and community directory created by COLLive to promote community businesses and help consumers find helpful and up-to-date information and reviews on shopping, products, vendors and services. Thes boys should have it explained to them that theyRead more , The problem is, it was on school premises, seen by this Rabbi Cook & teachers, and was allowed to stay up. TheRead more , Just need to say , the kids cant spell on Hebrew or in English! There is less than a month to the Rebbes 116th birthday, maybe something can be done there on . Follow up sessions to be held monthly for the next year, until the transition to a fully Chabad institution is complete. one thing he can be sure of: the Aibershter isnt viewing this behavior as a joke and isnt laughing. Shtick is made about Donald Trump. Perhaps we who recently learned perek lamed bais in chitas, and live our lives to mekarev another yid should see past painting the entire Jewish nation with the broad strokes of us vs them. These boys and perhaps the leadership of their Yeshiva certainly need to make a cheshbon hanefesh. The principal of the Ner Yisroel high school in Baltimore told a Purim exhibit on Chabad was "kids misbehaving." The school should be ashamed of themselves! Lets get over it and like the dude said lets accomplish what Chabad is capable of accomplishing. Number 2, yes I agree that they should go to the ohel to apologize, AND no signature and using some Tanya ideas is adding insult to injury, that nobody signed the letter. Rabbi Hochman has been an instructor with Ner Israel for more than 40 years and is renowned for his in-depth knowledge of Talmud and Jewish Jurisprudence. The chabad shluchim have been advocating for a moment of silence in public schools so that the children can be afraid of the eye that sees and the ear that hears. The joke is on tge institution that dragged their own name through the mud, not the Rebbes. The Rebbe, Shocking. Hope this message gets published!!!!!! They havent hurt us; they have only hurt themselves. It means opponent to chassidus. It was chalav Stam. Tomorrow, are repwsonsable for what happens under their leadership, Very sad that these young boys whom will soon be men are educated in an environment which engrains snd encouragrs so much chullul. There the husband started learning with a Chabad shliach and the couple became frum BH. May it continue and be strenghthened. A GRAVE YARD ON THE FRONT CAMPUS????? Give up their seats for the elderly? They refused Reall all the signs. In addition to the high levellomdusof thebeiyunshiurim, twobekiusprograms instillhasmodain thetalmidwhile broadening his familiarity with different parts of Shas. No sincerity felt at all. Just to tell you guys that Ner Yisroel is one of the most respected mosdos and has been since inception It is something they must travel to New York to beg forgiveness by the Ohel. It. I missed the memo. You are all very judgemental with your comments #58 ur comment says it all He was very happy to oblige, and I took it home at the end of the year. We in Chabad dont own the Rebbe Litvish is false consciousnesses. However, never ever are we permitted to forgo our Rebbes honor. NCSYs Camp Sports is a kiruv camp for high-school aged boys located on Ner Yisroels campus for four weeks each summer. However, the laws of ahavas yisroel and loshon hara are always in effect. Thank you Sruly for informing the public of this hateful act. Having taken a look at this article and its comments has a rov been consulted? May we all be tolerant of those that are different from us and stay focused on doing what the Rebbe wants from us! Be proud, ashreinu, and nebach, feel sorry for them. Not one rosh yeshiva, mashgiach or something behind these kids? The fact that the Principal was more angry at the publicity than at the display speaks volumes. Whatever. I encourage others to call the school and voice your disapproval. Just accept it and move on. 1. May they know only emes in revealed ways and have to power to break through all the klippot theyRead more , After this publicity, I hope parents will think twice of sending their children to a yeshiva like this, especially lack of proper leadership, THE MENAHEL OF NER YISROEL IS A DISGRACE TO THE NAME OF CHINUCH IF THAT IS ALL HE HAD TO SAY. This shtick was not done with any hate in mind. Angry with the Menahel more than anyone To #18 If you do not like what they did call up. Close the gemara andRead more . Guess who got into trouble? The Rebbe is the Nasi Hador and to make a mockery is playing with Fire. 15 years!!!! The one thing I do agree with is that he should have apologized and explained the situation but for you guys to say its a bad mosdos thats just not true. Our boys build floats for parades, make signs to spread more light, and invest their energies in bringing Moshiach. The exact location will vary between the main shul and the downstairs Beit Midrash. He also gives special lectures for the alumni and community at large. What is the Ner Yisroel college program - The Yeshiva World TheRead more . Theyre such idiots its out of control. This was not a Ner issue but a private one at Ner. Sadly knowing that the aebischer is watching everything just isnt enough these days. More should come forth to substantiate their emes and goodwill for the future. This looks like an elaborate project. Contrary to what this rosh yeshiva said in the conversation. We dont need an apology. A rigorous, comprehensivelimudei cholprogram features all the requisite courses, as well as exciting electives in relevant subjects such as public speaking, Jewish history, and the like. My son for hitting. Just some lame jokes, move on. Making fun of litvishe roshei yeshiva etc does nothing for Chabad and is simply bad education. What motivates your position? Bochurim from Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore sent a hand-written letter to Maryland Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan regretting the Chabad mockery. How are you reacting? Of course nothing happened to the other boy(s). Talmidim are trained that Torah must remain at the center of one's life, regardless of his occupation. It isnt right but it gave me a laugh! If you think about it, we really cant blame the students. I thought that by now 35yrs later, they had a little more respect. Lubavitch in Baltimore has their own separate school. Well done A group of bochurim who identified as students of Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore visited the home of Rabbi Shmuel Kaplan, Director of Chabad-Lubavitch . Harav Simcha Cook came to Ner Yisroel from London, England, as a bochur in 1964. I have never seen a chabad yeshiva put on such a display in order to mock, even the biggest misnagd. We lived in a frum upstate community over twenty five years ago. I feel for them. Thornhill, Ontario Theres definitelyRead more , Why waste time fighting darkness when you can add light. To put up the Ohel) so please leave your bs for yourself and dont try to compare us to them. Kos She Brocho to ghosts must stop as well guys but that is only a small crazy part of Chabad and if we did not keep who would? There has to be some education done with the families of that school. 2) Unless I am mistaken, no one has reported that the boys who came to the Kaplan house showed anything other than genuine remorse and respect (no sarcasm or obnoxious smirking, giggling, etc.). As someone who grew up in the Lubavitch community, I have never seen such an unwelcoming atmosphere to other gedolim and limmud haTorah outside of what the Rebbe perscribed. These boys and teachers, principals are no different than those wearing swastikas. The only reason it was taken down was because of publicity. The apology has been made because a group of yidden are upset. It caused widespread uproar over its mockery of Chabads customs and even the Rebbe himself. Of course, a highly-publicized apology would be in order. They knew exactly what they were doing! Those who are involved in a business profession should be no less immersed in a sugya than their chaverim in the fields of chinuch or rabbanus. Its totally ridiculous that it was put on social media. today - Ner Israel Rabbinical College - Yeshivas Ner Yisroel No one told parents what they were working on props and etc and NOT ONE parent called or saw to stop it ?? I think Ner Yisroel looks infinitely better with pictures of the Rebbe all over! He was also famed for his beautiful and inspiring tefillos as a ba'al tefillah. Boys. As a knas the students should learn chassidus once a week. The Yeshiva accomplishes this goal with its diverse staff, talmidim, and educational programs. I personally was raised in a secular environment and can tell u in certain terms that these boys did not come to this on their own it takes a village to raise a child more specifically the klippah then are surrounded in has begun to permeate them. 3) They wrote a note that included speaking our language including terminology from Chabad Chasidus. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. this seems to be chilul Chabad not chilul hashem, Wow i am chabad and i do find this pretty funny U have to admit All u people who are saying its disrespectful and making those boys sound like there criminals your over exaggerating That is what they know of chabad and we should look at ot differently now how can they do this to lubavitch? But look how much they know about lubavitch? They spent HOURS AND NO ONE SAID NOTHINGGGGGGG????????? We must hold the leadership of Ner Israel responsible and accountable. Dark education brings dark action. They stood What is your ultimate goal? There must be some inner turmoil these kids have and some admiration that, unable to express normally, comes out in this type of behavior. And you even agreed that one thing was too obviouslyRead more , litvish bochrim have nothing to do on purim and are nebach very boredso they do childish things to keep themselves busy. Purim a Holy-day. rather, im concerned that theres so much hatred bottled up there just waiting for the moment when they think they can display it openly with impunity. 1C. Haman would have been very proud!! I wish to think it s not the norm. I hope everyone gets on with it and continues to accomplish what Lubavitch is capable of accomplishing., VIDEO: Israel Clapman, a Crown Heights resident, speaks out, Sign up for the COLlive Daily News Roundup and never miss a story, And as a former Talmud of Ner Yisroel, I can say that I was never ever taught anything remotely hateful about Chabad. Ner Yisroel | Baltimore MD - Facebook Sure there are some of us who need to brush up on our Ahavas Yisrael, but it would never fly for one of our moisdos to make a public anti anyone carnival. The report provided witness testimonies that describe the moments leading to the crash as well as . I asked them about the Purim shtick. Its nice to see some boys had charata. Just because we do not keep the same minhagim or shita does not mean we have to seek blood. Thank you for trying to explain BUT: Abt #1 even if the hanhala was taken off guard, the fact that they refused to apologize and even dismissed the idea that something might have been wrong here, casts the entire blame and responsibility on them Abt #2- Even if no disrespect was purposely intended, the feelings harbored towards Chabad were VERY clearly expressed. This was childish and offensive. I dont see this as disrespectful at all And all you people saying its how there chinuch is or blaming it on the heads of the schoolRead more , They should be ashamed that thats what their kids spend all time on and this is the message their clearly giving them and kids are just expressing it Dont try to cover up as kids Their your students and youre responsible for these kids and they turned over the ENTIRE school so the hanhola clearly saw and was part of it otherwise if it was taken down right away wouldnt have pics etc I feel very bad for them that that is what their students are busy with and they arent babies 11th grade its a shame oish may HashemRead more , With respect, your outrage should not be that it leaked on social media, but rather the lack of derech eretz your student have. Maybe they thought they could fullfil the mitzvah of ad dlo yada with milk.And the chalav akum caused them to behave like that. A Freilichen Purim. What kind of chinuch-less chinuch did they receive? ner yisroel news. TA 12th Graders Fahered at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel (Photos) Older bochurim have regular sedorim with the Mechina talmidim; the Kollel yungeleit guide, inspire and answer questions posed by the bochurim. Throughout its existence, the Yeshiva has developed, and continues to develop talmidim who are true ambassadors of Torah and Yiras Shomayim. 250 Bathurst Glen Drive 1) They came in person, ready to face Rabbi Kaplan. With In-depth Coverage of Tel Aviv and Jerusalem News and All the Latest News From the Israel-Palestinian Conflict and the Jewish World. PROVO, Utah ( ABC4) - Investigators with the National Transportation Safety Board have released a preliminary report on the tragic Provo airplane crash that killed 62-year-old Nathan Ricks in early January. By: BJLife Newsroom TA 12th Graders Fahered at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel Baltimore, MD - Jan. 13, 2023 - TA's 12th graders from Rabbi Eli Rifkind's shiur were fahered (tested) on the first perek of Sukkah by Rav Tzvi Einstadter, R'M in Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, and the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu HaRav Aharon Feldman, shlita. I would fast and go to the Ohel and give tzedakaRead more , I honestly have only Rachmanus for these bochurim. and i hate that i have to write this on Purim. If it was Breslov nobody would bat an eye, im personally sad that this display went, Send bochurim to be mekarev them to Chasidus like at YU, Disgusted - Here is the Rabbi's info - HE needs to apologize and fix this, Article & Comments Are Worse Than Purim Shpeil. This is such a fake letter. Once your account is created, you'll be logged-in to this account. Weather. into a trap sowing Discord and Sinas Chinom AGAINST To bow, You cant have your cake and eat it. We are taught from birth to look beyond the superficial. Perhaps this will be the start of something good in a revealed way. BORCHAINU OVINU KOOLONU KECHOD. Point is is lets see them move hours away from any semblance of a frum community (shlichus) then well talk about apologies. The highly dedicatedrebbeimview themselves as much more thanmaggidei shiur; the closekesherthey forge with theirtalmidimserves as a venue for mentoring with properhadrachaandchizuk. No one there noticed that someone (or maybe everyone) there says Ashrei 3 times a day (allegedly) and is saying it WRONG!!!!! They formally apologized. and shame the name of their yeshiva. Its nauseating. Each side needs to accept the truth and virtues of the other side and not be so convinced that their way is the only way. And that doesnt even matter. Thanks for saying whats on all of our minds. Provo News, Weather, Safety, Sports | NewsBreak Provo, UT to this offender group of Litvishers. A freilechen, Many years agolike in 80s, I learned in a misnagdisheok, Ill be niceLitvishe Yeshiva and the guys were always laughing about mivtzoim, kiruv, Moshiach, chassidus and everything else the Rebbe taught us. Those boys made a shtick So wt? Ner Yisroel should be gozeir a taanis, and have a special kinnus where Lubavitchers address the entire yeshiva about the Rebbe and Chasidus, at the conclusion of which a picture of the Rebbe is placed permanently in front of the Beis Medrash and hundreds of nusach Ari siddurim are brought there for the talmidim. The best thing would be for the entire class to travel to 770 and the ohel with a guided tour from a important Chosid. My Rebbe told me a story tonight. I seldom heard people make very nasty comments about other Gedolim. As number 54 stated, we are busy preparing for Purim by practicing megillah, mivtzoyum, preparing mishloach manos, and so on. There are three events coming up in the coming months to see if they really changed their ways. Your very very judgmentel #2. Until they Moshiach Now! These include the Kollelim in Norfolk, Virginia, and Dallas and Houston in Texas. The amount of time spent on this the menahel had to know it was going on. Its honestly funny and if you find this offensive then the problem is with you not with them. We must learn from the yeshiva how not to behave. Bash the , stupid litvaks who daven the wrong the rebbe said that there are no real misnagdim today. Ashreinu mah tov chelkeinu! Ner Yisroel is dedicated to producing Bnei Torah that reflect their unique strength and personality. Delay. A few years later, the ladys daughter married a Jewish boy and moved to a foreign country. Its not like the school advocated this as part of a policy of lets make fun of Chabad. Apparently they still dont get it, including the hanhalah. Had a good handle on the situation. Neuberger. Put another . If this is an example of what their torah study inspires them to do, n. They went personally to the Sheliach It might not have been done Leshem Shomayim, but it accomplished getting pictures of the Rebbe in their Mesivta. ner yisroel news - This didnt happen in 30 minutes. Not just their reaction to it. However lets keep in mind thatRead more . This is so funny, just take a chill pill and stop behaving like baybies . About BDE, sad to say, there are many Lubavitchers who say that too. Its a simple letter which shows the hanhola had nothing to do with it. Unfortunately, the anti-Chabad movement from these misnagdim is encouraged in their schools. forgot to add Yeshivas Ner Yisroel (Ner Israel Rabbinical College) (also known as NIRC) is a yeshiva in Baltimore, Maryland founded in 1933 by Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman a brilliant Talmudist and one of the primary disciples of Rabbi Nosson Tzvi Finkel, dean of the famous Slabodka yeshiva in Lithuania, and is now led by Rabbi Aharon Feldman, one of the foremost disciples of Rabbi Yaakov Yitzchak Ruderman. 83, grow up. Thats shocking to me. HaRav Boruch also served at his fathers side as Assistant Menahel of the yeshiva; after the latters petirah, he succeeded him as Menahel in 2021. If I was the administrator of Ner Yishmael, I would bury my face in shame that my 11th graders are such incredible Amei Haaretz!!! AtRead more , For the furture, I have composed a list of normal and highly less destructive and hateful Purim schtick if youre in need of some extra ideas. No good can come to you if you dont. Whoever you are. Yeshivas Ner Yisroel was founded in 1933 by the Rosh HaYeshiva, Moreinu vRabbeinu Harav Yaakov Yitzchok Ruderman ztl, with the goal of developing a high-level, Slabodka-style yeshiva geared specifically towards the contemporary American bochur. Yidden going on mivtzoim with lulav and esrog or chanukah. TIME TO RESPECT EACH OTHER EVEN WHEN WE DONT AGREE OR SEE EYE TO EYE!!!! I have also been in the Set up in classrooms all over the school and we are supposed to believe the Hanhola didnt know. Rather, they should be placed on probation after this grave sin for a period of five years and a monitor appointed to institute PC sensitivity training. Chas vshalom this could lead to teachers sticking up for students when they do things that hurt others. And its revolting I do agree that we should get over it because its not our business as chassidim to dwell on negativity. We were so sorry to see the of mischanneled in a into disgusting . I grew up in that kind of community. (Then, lets make sureRead more . Lubavitch is disrespectful to Misnagdishe gedaylim. They should be shivering in fear to condone this kind of hatred. The fact that this is the chinuch they are giving these children is of course terrible and they will be accountable for it, buy why post the pictures of this shmutz??? The Rabbi spoke with me for few minutes and if you voice your complaints maybe they will get the message. HaRav Ezra Neuberger was appointed as Rosh Kollel of the yeshivas Kollel Avodas Levi by Moreinu VRabbeinu Rav Weinberg ZTL in Elul 1994. Be careful what you say here, its a public forum. We and others in yeshiva were not happy about the Purim shtick that was done. A signed apology on official stationery is a minimum requirement. This is a good beginning. We have to focus on what good WE can do. We should appreciate what the Rebbe has given us, and pity the yidden who arent as privileged to get the amazing chinch our boys get. LACK OF AN OFFICIAL LETTER FROM THE HANHOLA SPEAKS FOR ITSELF. Get real. We just dont hold the litivish identity (as distinct from the Yidden who identify as litvish) in high enough regard to make a mocking display of. And as a parent Im sure its harder. THANK YOU REBBE!!!!! HaRav Boruch Neuberger is the son of HaRav Sheftel Neuberger, late Menahel of the Yeshiva. What is with the attackers here? No, no Rabbi Cook, this is not how others behave. Take responsibility and reprimand your students and reinforce discipline throughout your faculty! So definetly it was overdone a bit, and talking about the Rebbe is no small thing. Laughing at the Rebbe, was not the smartest thing to do I am not t a Lubavitcher ,but I hold of all rabbonim. Camp Or Haner was founded in 1986 by Moshe Fuller zl, a Ner Yisroel talmid and native of Mexico. For eighty-eight years, the yeshiva has molded and strengthened talmidim, imbuing them with dedication to Torah study and communal leadership. This is what Rabbi Avigdor Miller ztl thought. Many of thebochurimin thebeis medrashhave been in Ner Yisroel since entering the Mechina; they are making great strides in their development. Our boys were busy before Purim packing thousands of mishloach manos for mivtzoyim, practicing to Lein the Megillah, learning about Purim, planning their routes I barely saw my boys on Purim they were so busy with mivtzoyim Boruch Hashem! Every Lubavitcher should be personally offended that the only haphazard form of apology was a phone call to Collive. 40-having experience in both camps the sina isnt 2 way! So yes, the Chassidic Ancestry is what to be proud of. Neither is it the shluchim of Maryland. I am a bochur at Ner Yisroel who actively participated in this shtick and was very involved therein. The Menahel should have responded appropriately. Ner Yisroel is not some dinky little dump of aRead more , Anyone who thinks he can be a true emesdik tzadik or talmid chacham WITHOUT any relationship to his Rebbe or Chasidus is called a Tzsdik in pelz They havent been caught so it doesnt exist? There is nothing new here and u can have whatever perspective of it you would like positive or negative or neutral but publicly inciting hatred against another yid is most probably an issur even on Purim. Does Chofetz Chayim make an exception for "Humor" or Purim? The menorah stayed. This is in addition to their full time occupation in deep Lim mud Hatorah nigleh and Chassidus.
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