[109] The production of coconuts is the main source of Sri Lanka economy, with 12% of cultivated land and 409,244 hectares used for coconut growing (2017). Self Magazine. ; Batugal, P.; Bonnot, F. (2008). [13] It is consumed throughout the humid tropics, and has been introduced into the retail market as a processed sports drink. Coconut meal leftovers from oil and milk production feeds livestock. [172] Irrespective of their religious affiliations, fishermen of India often offer it to the rivers and seas in the hopes of having bountiful catches. "Effects of coconut oil on testosterone-induced prostatic hyperplasia in Sprague-Dawley rats". It is eaten as is or used as an ingredient in various dishes. [33], Coconuts are susceptible to the phytoplasma disease, lethal yellowing. [28] In west-central India, numerous fossils of Cocos-like fruits, leaves, and stems have been recovered from the Deccan Traps. [97], The Philippines is the world's second-largest producer of coconuts. [173] In the foothills of the temple town of Palani, before going to worship Murugan for the Ganesha, coconuts are broken at a place marked for the purpose. From here, island-hopping via coral atolls lining the Tethys Sea, potentially boosted by the ocean currents at the time, would have proved crucial to dispersal, eventually allowing ancestral coconuts to reach India. Coconut oil is moisturizing and has been used for centuries as a hair tonic and skin care product. The terms are derived from the Samoan language and was adopted into scientific usage by Harries (1978). The shell, freed from the husk, and heated on warm ashes, exudes an oily material that is used to soothe dental pains in traditional medicine of Cambodia. Malakatad (literally "leather-like") refers to fully mature coconut meat (around 8 to 9 months old) with an opaque white appearance, a tough rubbery to leathery texture, and is difficult to separate from the shell. The tender nut supplies coconut water, a popular thirst quencher of health and hygienic value. Rich in fiber and MCTs, it may offer a number of benefits, including improved heart health, weight loss, and digestion. Food Industry Coconut is known as a common ingredient in food processing. The Coconut Palm Cocos Nucifera L. See also Can You Drink Malibu If You'Re Allergic To Coconut? Coconut oil is moisturizing and has been used for centuries as a hair tonic and skin care product. Tannin produces negative effects on sapling growth. 2017-08-20 10:24:51. Coconut oil is a "functional food" that is popular in traditional medicine in Asia and used worldwide to treat a wide variety of health problems from abscesses to upset stomachs. Choti Holi 2023: When is Choti Holi 2023? Here's all you need to know Ans : Ripening is characterised by an increase in the breakdown of starch within the fruit, as well as an increase in the number of simple sugars that are sweet in taste such as sucrose, glucose, and fructose as a result of this breakdown. A 100-gram (3+12-ounce) reference serving of raw coconut flesh supplies 1,480 kilojoules (354 kilocalories) of food energy and a high amount of total fat (33 grams), especially saturated fat (89% of total fat), along with a moderate quantity of carbohydrates (15g), and protein (3g). Why is coconut called the Tree of Life? While every effort has been made to follow citation style rules, there may be some discrepancies. The importance of the coconut in Austronesian cultures is evidenced by shared terminology of even very specific parts and uses of coconuts, which were carried outwards from the Philippines during the Austronesian migrations. During germination, the embryo pushes out of the functional pore and forms a haustorium (the coconut sprout) inside the central cavity. Indo-Atlantic coconuts, in contrast, all have the ancestral traits of tall habits and elongated triangular fruits. 98% of coconut is grown by more than 10 million resource poor smallholder and sharecropper families, on smallholdings under 4 ha. [184], In March 1521, a description of the coconut was given by Antonio Pigafetta writing in Italian and using the words "cocho"/"cochi", as recorded in his journal after the first European crossing of the Pacific Ocean during the Magellan circumnavigation and meeting the inhabitants of what would become known as Guam and the Philippines. The coconut industry also generates employment and supports local businesses, contributing to the overall economic development of these communities. Perianth Tepals 6 arranged in two whorls of three each, persistent, and polyphyllous showing imbricate aestivation in both the whorls. Theyre mostly green until they fully mature. In Cambodia, the roots are used in traditional medicine as a treatment for dysentery. 70% of the total coconut production is for domestic consumption in most producing countries making Coconut a critical global food security crop. The tender coconutis witnessing a surge in sales in the country. [144], Coconut sap, usually extracted from cut inflorescence stalks is sweet when fresh and can be drunk as is such as in tuba fresca of Mexico (derived from the Philippine tub). Traditional areas of coconut in India are the states of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Goa, West Bengal, Pondicherry, Maharashtra and Islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar. Coconut meat can also be cut into larger pieces or strips, dried, and salted to make "coconut chips" or "coco chips". A young, well-maintained tree can produce around 300 litres (79 US gallons) of toddy per year, while a 40-year-old tree may yield around 400L (110USgal). Her articles have appeared in "Newton Magazine" and she has contributed to myriad popular books, including "Masters of Deception" and "Click: The Ultimate Photography Guide for Generation Now." What are the benefits of drinking coconut water? Encyclopaedia Brittanica online. However, both James Cook and William Bligh[69] (put adrift after the Bounty mutiny) found no sign of the nuts along this 2,000km (1,200mi) stretch when he needed water for his crew. [49], Coconuts can be broadly divided into two fruit types the ancestral niu kafa form with a thick-husked, angular fruit, and the niu vai form with a thin-husked, spherical fruit with a higher proportion of endosperm. Coconut is the most versatile tree in the world and is known as "the tree of life". How do you choose the best tender coconut. economic importance of coconut He also notes that several of the nuts began to germinate by the time they had been ten weeks at sea, precluding an unassisted journey of 100 days or more.[57]. Drift models based on wind and ocean currents have shown that coconuts could not have drifted across the Pacific unaided. Pintonesia Trading Corp has served customers from all over the world and it has become our top priority to meet our customers satisfaction and expectations. They need annual rainfall of at least 120cm, temperatures from 70 to 86 degrees Fahrenheit and sandy, slightly acidic soil with good drainage. The discovery of this behavior was observed in Bali and North Sulawesi in Indonesia between 1998 and 2008. Consumers feel that fresh-cut fruits and vegetables are the healthiest formats available for processed fruits and vegetables, which has allowed the fresh-cut category to prosper. Copyright 2020 Deejay Coconut Farm Pvt Ltd | All Rights Reserved |, Scope for Coconut Cultivation and its National Importance, Four things you most likely didnt know about coconut hybridization. 50 % of existing coconut palms have passed their economic bearing age (60 years) and are due for replanting, around 900 million coconut seedlings are required at a value of USD$ 2.7 Billion to secure a sustainable future for the global coconut estate. In addition, fossils of potential Cocos ancestors have been recovered from both Colombia and India. Coconuts take 12 months to fully mature and ripen. Freshly shredded mature coconut meat, known as "grated coconut", "shredded coconut", or "coconut flakes", is used in the extraction of coconut milk. It is spread by host insects, that thrive on heavy turf grasses. [91][85] In other areas, like in Papua New Guinea, coconuts are simply collected when they fall to the ground. Based on linguistic evidence, the absence of words for coconut in the Taiwanese Austronesian languages makes it likely that the Austronesian coconut culture developed only after Austronesians started colonizing the Philippines. On account of this, thepalm has been regarded as Kalpvriksh (Tree of heaven). The leaves also provide material for baskets that can draw well water and for roofing thatch; they can be woven into mats, cooking skewers, and kindling arrows as well. It has applications in furniture and specialized construction, as notably demonstrated in Manila's Coconut Palace. [145] They can also be processed to extract palm sugar. These vary by the taste of the coconut water and color of the fruit, as well as other genetic factors. The traditional coconut farming in these countries is an integral part of their life, culture and identity. "The potential of the Coconut Industry is huge and benefits are available for parties from all sectors. Both the exocarp and the mesocarp make up the "husk" of the coconut, while the endocarp makes up the hard coconut "shell". the coconut indu stry of g reat economic imp orta nce. Man cannot subsist solely on cereal grains. Coconut is the environment friendly small-holder palm of the tropical environment, Covering 12.28 million hectares in 90 countries with an annual production of 64.3 billion nuts, Coconut provides USD$ 7.73 Billion per annum to global coconut small holders. For example, the Polynesian and Melanesian term niu; Tagalog and Chamorro term niyog; and the Malay word nyiur or nyior. in semiotics from Brown University and completed coursework for an M.A. A cloudy white liquid, it has a particularly sharp, acidic taste with a slightly yeasty note.[149]. [118][119] Another method is to shake the coconut. He took the term from the Arabs, who called it jawz hind, translating to 'Indian nut'. This article was most recently revised and updated by. The study contended that an adaptation to coral atolls would explain the prehistoric and modern distributions of Cocos, would have provided the necessary evolutionary pressures, and would account for morphological factors such as a thick husk to protect against ocean degradation and provide a moist medium in which to germinate on sparse atolls. [179] In the story of Sina and the Eel, the origin of the coconut is related as the beautiful woman Sina burying an eel, which eventually became the first coconut. Palm. The decoration of foots is astringent and is used as mouth was and gargle. [96] A sprouting coconut seed is the logo for Gerakan Pramuka Indonesia, the Indonesian scouting organization. Nevertheless, the authors Gomez-Navarro et al. nana) varieties. Coconut is a plant-based source of saturated fat. It forms the basis of wedding and worship rituals in Hinduism. Sweet coconut sap can be made into drinks or fermented into palm wine or coconut vinegar. [177], Some South Asian, Southeast Asian, and Pacific Ocean cultures have origin myths in which the coconut plays the main role. Palm - Importance to humans | Britannica (eds.). The fragments are dated to approximately 1000BCE, suggesting that cultivation and artificial selection of coconuts were already practiced by the Austronesian Lapita people. Economic Importance of Coconut Oil | Bizfluent Some cultivars are more drought resistant such as 'West coast tall' (India) while others such as 'Hainan Tall' (China) are more cold tolerant. The coconut tree provides food, fuel, cosmetics, folk medicine and building materials, among many other uses. The stiff midribs of coconut leaves are used for making brooms in India, Indonesia (sapu lidi), Malaysia, the Maldives, and the Philippines (walis tingting). [112], In the United States, the Food and Drug Administration declared that coconut must be disclosed as an ingredient on package labels as a "tree nut" with potential allergenicity. Coconut meal: Nutraceutical importance and food industry application [57] Thor Heyerdahl provides an alternative, and much shorter, estimate based on his first-hand experience crossing the Pacific Ocean on the raft Kon-Tiki:[68]. 1) Coconut Water: It is liquid endosperm. Easily kills parasites and helps remove them from body. As development continues, cellular layers of endosperm deposit along the walls of the endocarp up to 11mm (38in) thick, starting at the distal end. The milk or cream obtained by squeezing the granted kernel diluteded in water is sued in many preparations. Overall, unsweetened coconut meat makes a great addition to a balanced diet. [citation needed], The two most common harvesting methods are the climbing method and the pole method. These skilled, unpaid laborers can pick hundreds of coconuts daily. Coconut withstands conditions considered marginal for many food crops and is a stabilizing factor in the farming systems of fragile environments. In fact, the toning property of coconut helps in preventing acne by minimizing the pores of the skin, leaving it glowing. All rights reserved. However, they can be eaten anytime after seven months (1, 2). One of their first uses of the coconut was to produce cooking oil. Lagos and the coconut connection - The Guardian Nigeria News What are the health benefits of coconut water? These are grown for recreational purposes or as an income generator. Several countries' economies are based on the coconut palm. Want this question answered? Coconut plays a significant role in the agrarian economy of India. WHY COCONUT IS SO IMPORTANT - Cocoanesia Moisturize properly after washing your face. [58] They may grow but not fruit properly in areas with insufficient warmth, such as Bermuda. [1] The term "coconut" (or the archaic "cocoanut")[2] can refer to the whole coconut palm, the seed, or the fruit, which botanically is a drupe, not a nut. [62] The two groups are genetically distinct, with the dwarf variety showing a greater degree of artificial selection for ornamental traits and for early germination and fruiting. Macapuno is a coconut variety with a jelly-like coconut meat. From fermented today alcohol is prepared. Economic importance of coconut fruit. Benefits of Coconut Fruit: Why Though safer and faster than the climbing method, its main disadvantage is that it does not allow workers to examine and clean the crown of coconuts for pests and diseases.
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